

The adoption of the Millenium Development Goals (MDG) in the Millenium Summit in 2000 by all 189 member of the UN General Assembly was a defining moment for global cooperation in the 21st century. The MDG is global framework to face the challanges regarding human resources development in the world. In the Indonesian context, the question is: “do targets and indicators contained in MDG have accorded with domestic values ?” the question is relevant because the MDG will never be achieved if the MDG does not accomodate local values. Localization of the MDG must be first step to take in achieving MDG for each country. Refer to the recent condition in Indonesia, there are several problems in achieving MDG targets such as: (i) quality of human resources, (ii) infrastructure, (iii) implementation of the decentralization, (iv) slow economy recovery, (v) law enforcement, and (vi) existence of several conflict regions. Based on those conditions, achieving the targets and indicators of MDG in Indonesia is not easy. Collective effort involving international community like donors and national community like civil society, business or private sector and universities is a must.


1. Formulating A Strategic Approach to Poverty Reduction : From A Global Framework to An indonesian Agenda, lyanatul Hasanah, UNSFIR, 2002 2.Human Development Report 2003: Millennium Development Goals: A Compact among nations to end human poverty, UNDP, 2003; 3. Humnan Security Now: Protecting and Empowering People, Commission on Human Security, United Naticns, 2003 4.Indonesia Country Cooperation Framework - UNDP 2001 -2005; 5. Indonesia Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) World Bank 2001 -2003; 6. Indonesia Country Strategy and Program (CSP) 2003 - 2005, Asian Development Bank; 7. Indonesia Country Strategy Paper (CSP) 2002 - 2006 & National Indicative Programre 2002 - 2004, European Commission. 8. Laporan Pemantauan Proyek Pinjaman Luar Negeri, BAPPENAS, Juli 2003 9.Program Pembangunan nasional (PROPENAS) 2000 - 2004; 10. Rencana Pembangunan Tahunan (REPET A) tahun 2004; 11. The United Nations and the MDGs : a core strategy, Junc, 2002 12. UN ESCAPUNDP Initiative for the Achievment of Millennium Devclopment Goals in Asia and the Pacific, Millenniumn Development Goals: Lessons, Opportinities and Challenges, UN ESCAP
