

General Submission

In submitting article to Jurnal Epidemiologi Kesehatan Indonesia, author should follow the writing criteria of this journal. The article which does not follow the requirements will be returned to be emanded.

Style and Format

  1. File Format: .doc, .docx (should be editable and not locked or protected files)
  2. Length: Maximal 7500 words. Only 6 figures/tables or/and pictures allowed
  3. Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, line spacing 1.5
  4. Page Layout: A4, one column, margin 3 cm
  5. Language: Bahasa Indonesia and English and Bahasa Indonesia for abstract
  6. Abbreviations: Define abbreviations upon first appearance in the text. Don’t use non-standard abbreviations unless they appear at least three times in the text.
  7. Reference: use vancouver style for reference wirth maximal 50 references, and using et al for more than 4 authors

Authors should refer to the Jurnal Epidemiologi Kesehatan Indonesia templates. The author must fill in the 'statement letter' for publication requirements in Jurnal Epidemiologi Kesehatan Indonesia.

The file can be downloaded below

Author Guideline Author Guideline

Manuscript Template Manuscript Template

Statement Letter For Submissions Statement Letter For Submissions

Surat Pernyataan Layak Submit Surat Pernyataan Layak Submit

Structure of Manuscript

The manuscript must contain authorship, abstract and keywords, introduction, method, result, conclusion and references


  1. Title must be written in Times New Roman, 14pt, Bold, single space, and centered.
  2. Title must be no longer than 20 words

Authors’ Name

  1. Write the author names one space below the title without using degree
  2. Write the affiliations of all authors including name of department, institution, city, state/province, and country, email, and phone number


Abstract witten in English and Bahasa Indonesia, with length no exceed 250 words. It should be written in one paragraph contains the problem, objective, method, and results. Mention 3-5 keywords related to the topic of the article (italics, 10 pt)

Main Text

The article must be typed in structure order as introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. The article use Times New Roman font with 12pt, double space, margins 3 cm and no more than 7500 words.
  1. Introduction contains background and a brief review
  2. Methods contain design, population, sample, data source, instruments and techniques of data collection, and data analysis procedures
  3. Results are research findings and should be clear and concise. Can be shown in tables, graph and naration. Table typed in single space, type the number in consecutively, font 10pt. The results written without author’s opinion.
  4. Discussion describe properly and argumentative based on theory or relevant research findings.
  5. Conclusions giving the summaries of research findings that answer the research problem. Suggestions for research related to conclusion can also be stated in this part.
  6. References should be written using Vancouver styles with maximal 50 references. Using et al for reference with more than 50 authors.

Article Format:

Title (TNR, 14 pt, bold, centered) (single space 14 pt) Author1, Author2, Author3 (12 pt) (single space, 12 pt) 1. Department, Faculty, University, Address, City, Zip Code, Country, E-mail, Phone Number (10 pt) 2.Department, Faculty, University, Address, City, Zip Code, Country, E-mail, Phone Number (10 pt) (single space, 12 pt)

Abstract (12pt, bold)

Abstract must be written in times new roman, 10 pt, single space, and must be no exceed 250 words. It should be written in one paragraph contains the problem, objective, method and result.

(Keywords: up to 5 keywords)(10 pt, italics) Introduction Contains background and brief explanation of research problem Method

Contains design, population, sample, data source, instruments and techniques of data collection, and data analysis procedures


States the research findings, and should be clearly and concisely explained. Number of tables and figures typed in consecutively.


Giving the summaries of research findings that answer the research problem. Suggestions for research related to conclussion can also be stated in this part.


- Using vancouver style (10pt)

- Standard format for books:

Author Surname Initials. Title: subtitle. Edition (if not the first). Place of Publication: Publisher; Year.

One author or editor

Mason J. Concepts in dental public health. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005.

Ireland R, editor. Clinical textbook of dental hygiene and therapy. Oxford: Blackwell Munksgaard; 2006.

Two-six authors or editors

Miles DA, Van Dis ML, Williamson GF, Jensen CW. Radiographic imaging for dental team. 4th ed. St. Louis: Saunders Elsevier; 2009

Dionne RA, Phero JC, Becker DE, editors. Management of Pain and anxiety in the dental office. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2002

More than six authors or editors

Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL, et al., editors. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 17th ed. Nwe York: McGraw Hill; 2008.

Organizations as Author

Canadian Dental Hygienists Association. Dental Hygiene: Definition and Scope. Ottawa: Canadian Dental Hygienists Association; 1995.

No Author/Editor

Scott’s Canadian dental directory 2008. 9th ed. Toronto: Scott’s Directories; 2007.

Government Document

Canada. Environmental Health Directorate. Radiation Protection in Dentistry: Recommended Safety Procedures for the use of dental x-ray equipments. Safety Code 30. Ottawa: Ministry of Health; 2000.

Chapter in a book

Alexander RG. Considerations in creating a beautiful smile. In: Romano R, editor. The Art of the Smile. London: Quintessence Publishing; 2005. P. 187-210.


Irfan A. Protocols for predictable aesthetic dental restoration [Internet]. Oxford: Blackwell Munksgaard; 2006 [cited 2009 May 21]. Available from Netlibrary: http://cclsw2.vcc.ca:2048/login?url=http://www.netLibrary.com/urlapi.asp?actionn=summary&v=1&bookid=181691

- Standard format for Journal Articles:

Author Surname Initials. Title of Article. Title of Journal, abbreviated. Data of Publication: Volume Number (Issue Number): Page Numbers.

Journal Article in Print

Haas AN, de Castro GD, Moreno T, Susin C, Albandar JM, Oppermann RV, et al. Azithromycin as a adjunctive treatment of aggressive periodontitis: 12-months randomized clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol. 2008 Aug; 35(8): 696-704

Journal Article from a Website

Tasdemir T, Yesilyurt C, Ceyhanli KT, Celik D, Er K. Evaluation of apical filling after root canal filling by 2 different techiques. J Can Dent Assoc [Internet]. 2009 Apr [cited 2009 Jun 14];75(3):[about 5pp.]. Available from: http://www.cda-adc.ca/jcda/vol-75/issue-3/201.html

Journal Article from an Online Database

Erasmus S, Luiters S, Brijlal P. Oral hygiene and dental student’s knowledge, attitude and behaviour in managing HIV/AIDS patients. Int J Dent Hyg [Internet]. 2005 Nov [cited 2009 Jun 16];3(4):213-7. Available from Medline:

- Standard format for Websites:

Author SurnameInitials (if available). Title of Website [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Date of First Publication [Date of last update; cited date]. Available from: URL

Website with Author

Fehrenbach MJ. Dental hygiene education [Internet]. [Place unknown]; Fehrenbach and Associates; 2000 [updated 2009 May 2; cited 2009 Jun 15]. Available from: http://www.dhed.net/Main.html

Website without Author

American Dental Hygienists’ Association [Internet]. Chicago : American Dental Hygienists’ Association; 2009 [cited 2009 May 30]. Available from: http://www.adha.org

Part/Article within a Website

Medline Plus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD); U.S. National Library of Medicine; c2009. Dental health; 2009 May [cited 2009 Jun 16]; [about 7 screens]. Available from: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/dentalhealth.html


Skariah H. The tooth booth dental blog [Internet]. Mississauga (ON): Hans Skariah; 2004-[cited 2009 Jun 20]. Available from: http://dentaldude.blogspot.com/

An Entry/Article within a Blog

Skariah H. The tooth booth dental blog [Internet]. Mississauga (ON): Hans Skariah; 2004-. Dental did you know: breastfeeding duration and non-nutritive sucking habits; 2009 May 18[cited 2009 Jun 20]; [about 1 screen]. Available from: http://dentaldude.blogspot.com/2009/05/dental-did-you-know-breastfeeding.html

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Submission of a manuscript implies that the authors have met any requirements of the editorial policy and publication ethics. Authors grant Jurnal Epidemiologi Kesehatan Indonesia a license to publish the articles and identify them as the original publisher. Authors agree that their articles remain permanently open to access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 500000.00 (IDR)

Authors are required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.

If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.