
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pemakaian kelambu berinsektisida dengan kejadian malaria pada anak usia 0-4 tahun di wilayah Puskesmas Galang Kecamatan Galang Kota Batam tahun 2013. Desain penelitian adalah potong lintang pada 132 responden. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa pada tingkat signifikansi 5% terdapat hubungan bermakna antara jenis kelambu (OR = 4,6), lama pemakaian kelambu (OR = 2,9), cara pencucian kelambu (OR = 3,6), cara menjemur kelambu (OR = 2,8), dan pencelupan ulang kelambu (OR = 3,6) memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan kejadian malaria. Pendidikan (OR = 2,9), pekerjaan (OR = 2,8), dan lama bermukim (OR = 3,1) memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan kejadian malaria. Analisis regresi logistik menemukan bahwa odds ratio tertinggi dan terendah berturut- turut adalah jenis kelambu yang tidak berinsektisida, lama bermukim ² 2 tahun dan cara mencuci dengan dikucek, disikat dan direndam. This research aimed to know the relation of the use of ITNs (Insecticide Treated Nets) with incidence of malaria in children aged 0-4 years in Primary Heatlh Care Galang Galang Sub District Batam City 2013. Design research was a cross-sectional in 132 respondents. The research has proves that there were meaningful relationship between types of nets (OR = 4.6), while the use of Insecticide Treated Nets (OR = 2.9), the way in washing nets (OR = 3.6), job (OR = 2.8), and retreated insecticide (OR = 3.6) have a meaningful relationship with incidence of malaria. So are education (OR = 2.9), employment (OR = 2.8), and length of stay (OR = 3.1) had a significant association with the incidence of malaria. Logistic regression analysis found that the odds ratio is the highest and the lowest row is not the type of insecticide-treated bed nets, long settled ² 2 years and by washing with rubbed, brushed and soaked.
