
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia


Amidst the proliferation of disinformation and misinformation related to health on social media, the public must ensure that the sources of information are trustworthy. This research aims to explain the role of doctors in the fight against health hoaxes, myths, and stigma spread through social media. The study adopts qualitative research with a phenomenological approach to understand doctors' experiences and perceptions regarding their efforts to address health hoaxes, myths, and stigma on social media. Fifteen doctors as content creators in Jakarta and Bandung were selected as informants using purposive sampling. The data was collected through interviews, observation participation, and documentation studies. The study showed that doctors (1) have a significant role in the fight against health hoaxes, myths, and stigma on social media, consisting of doctors as sources of accurate information, educators, and public health advocacy; (2) use any feature tools on social media such as making Q&A, stitch some content hoaxes, myths, and stigma, and collaboration with another expert, government, agencies, or health organizations ; (3) provide accurate information based on the educational process and scientific evidence.

Bahasa Abstract

Di tengah maraknya disinformasi dan misinformasi terkait kesehatan di media sosial, masyarakat harus memastikan sumber informasinya dapat dipercaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peran dokter dalam melawan hoax, mitos, dan stigma kesehatan yang tersebar melalui media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis untuk memahami pengalaman dan persepsi dokter mengenai upayanya mengatasi hoaks, mitos, dan stigma kesehatan di media sosial. Lima belas dokter pembuat konten di Jakarta dan Bandung dipilih sebagai informan dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi partisipasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dokter (1) mempunyai peran penting dalam melawan hoaks, mitos, dan stigma kesehatan di media sosial, yang terdiri dari dokter sebagai sumber informasi akurat, pendidik, dan advokasi kesehatan masyarakat; (2) menggunakan alat fitur apa pun di media sosial seperti membuat tanya jawab, menjahit beberapa konten hoax, mitos, dan stigma, serta berkolaborasi dengan pakar lain, pemerintah, lembaga, atau organisasi kesehatan; (3) memberikan informasi yang akurat berdasarkan proses pendidikan dan bukti ilmiah.


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Figure 2.pdf (46 kB)
Familiarity backfire effect

Figure 3.pdf (100 kB)
A model depicting Indonesian doctors fighting Hoaxes, myths, and stigma on social media
