
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan


The mismatch between workload and number of secretarial staff is a problem that needs to be examined. This research aims to determine the workforce needs of the workload of employees in the X Hospital secretariat unit with the time and motion study method. Methodology: the study was conducted by cross sectional observational activity of the activities and workload of the secretariat personnel (three people) using the time and motion study method, observations were made on three activities namely productive, unproductive and personal activities. Form / check list and stopwatch are used to calculate the time needed for each activity, and the results are recorded / documented. The results showed that the needs of the secretariat staff were five personnel, previously there were already two personnel so it required the addition of three personnel to carry out the secretariat's duties in hospital X. Of all the activities carried out during the observation, productive activities were the activities carried out by most Unit employees Hospital X Secretariat, which is as much as 2249 minutes or 37 hours 48 minutes for 4 days of observation, or 87% of the time spent working is used for productive activities. The rest is 11% for personal activities and 2% for unproductive activities.


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