
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan


This research aims to analyze stakeholders mapping of PT Semen Padang, related to financial assistance (sponsorship) event. Stakeholders data obtained from interviewing staff of Public Relation and Secretary Unit. Data then classified into stakeholder matrix based on their power and interest to the company. Interview result shows that PT Semen Padang has provided lots of financial assistance to its stakeholders who submit the proposal through Public Relation and Secretary Unit. Unfortunately, the company still doesn’t have stakeholder map as a basis for consideration of granting this financial assistance. However, based on the mapping/grouping result of company’s stakeholders, we find that as many as 17 stakeholders are classified as very important stakeholders, 30 stakeholders are important, 28 stakeholders are important enough, and 21 stakeholders are classified as less important stakeholders. Through this stakeholder analysis, the company can easily make the right decision in providing financial assistance to its stakeholders.


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