
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan


This study discusses the aspects of Value Added Tax on travel bureau (case study of PT V). Data collection techniques used in this study is literature studies (Library Research) and field studies (Field Research). The results of research and analysis can be concluded as follows The amount of tax base for submission which includes brokerage and/or agency services is replacement, amounting to 100% of the total cost. The amount of tax base of services that do not include brokerage services and/or agency using other values as the basis for the tax is 10%. Obstacles is the limitation of insight and understanding of the opposing party's transactions concerning taxation on the travel bureau. This research is expected to provide input for the government, especially Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) and also for taxpayers, as study material related aspects of Value Added Tax on travel bureau. This research is expected to provide information and be a reference material in reviewing aspects of Value Added Tax on travel bureau and limitation.


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