

Ergogenic supplements can enhance exercise performance. However, many gym members use them without consulting professionals such as nutritionists/dietitians, increasing the risk of adverse effects. This study investigates the consumption of ergogenic supplements and factors associated with them among members of selected fitness centers in Jakarta. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 116 participants from 3 fitness centers in Jakarta. The independent variables studied were Muscle Dysmorphia, Exercise Addiction, self-esteem, body image, age, gender, exercise duration, exercise experience, exercise intensity, and social media exposure. Data was collected via interviews based on a prepared questionnaire. Results showed that 67.2% of the respondents had used ergogenic supplements, with the majority using whey protein for muscle enhancement reasons. The main sources of information were friends (39.7%) and the internet (37.2%). The chi-square test showed a significant relationship between male gender (OR = 3.055; 95%CI: 1.298—7.188), exercise experience of 7—12 months (OR = 5.4; 95%CI: 1.621—17.991), and >1 year (OR = 5.091; 95%CI: 1.910—13.571) with supplement consumption. In conclusion, this study unveils a high prevalence of ergogenic supplement consumption, particularly whey protein for muscle enhancement, among fitness center members.


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Bahasa Abstract

Konsumsi suplemen memiliki manfaat bagi performa olahraga. Namun, banyak dari pengguna pusat kebugaran yang mengonsumsi suplemen ergogenik tanpa panduan tenaga profesional seperti nutrisionis/dietisien. Hal ini meningkatkan risiko munculnya dampak negatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran konsumsi suplemen ergogenik serta faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengannya pada pengguna pusat kebugaran terpilih di Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode cross-sectional pada 116 pengguna pusat kebugaran dari 3 pusat kebugaran di Jakarta. Variabel independen yang diteliti yaitu Muscle Dysmorphia, Exercise Addiction, self-esteem, citra tubuh, usia, jenis kelamin, durasi latihan, pengalaman latihan, intensitas latihan, dan paparan media sosial. Data diambil melalui wawancara langsung berdasarkan kuesioner yang sudah disiapkan. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah prevalensi konsumsi suplemen adalah sebesar 67,2%. Sumber informasi terkait suplemen paling umum didapatkan dari teman atau internet. Uji chi-square menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara jenis kelamin (OR = 3,055; 95% CI: 1,298—7,188), pengalaman latihan 7—12 bulan (OR = 5,4; 95% CI: 1,621— 17,991) dan >1 tahun (OR = 5,091; 95% CI: 1,910—13,571) dengan konsumsi suplemen. Kesimpulannya, ditemukan prevalensi konsumsi suplemen ergogenik yang tinggi pada pengguna pusat kebugaran, terutama suplemen jenis whey protein untuk peningkatan massa otot.
