

The implementation of the ISO 14001 standard by the World Trade Organization (WTO) has been regulated in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement (Annex 1A WTO). ISO 14001 is an Environmental Management Standard (EMS) issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO is one of the organizations that determine the international standard. The standard set by ISO has been utilized to equalize the standard of the WTO members in world trade (Preamble TBT Agreement). The WTO is an international organization regulating world trade to ensure it flows smoothly. TBT oversees that the technical regulations and standards, including packaging, marking and labelling requirements, and procedures for assessment of conformity with technical regulations and standards do not create unnecessary obstacles to international trade. One of the standards ISO sets in world trade is ISO 14001, the Environmental Management System (EMS). The WTO has decided that the EMS standard is one of the requirements for goods and services to be traded internationally. Several developing countries of the WTO members consider EMS a breach of the TBT Agreement conducted by developed countries. Export demands using ISO 14001 are considered to be contrary to the non-discrimination principle of the WTO free trade system, as EMS is merely a non-compulsory standard regulated as a mandatory trade requirement by developed countries. Indonesia as a member of both ISO and the WTO has had its own record in implementing the policies of these organizations. This article will discuss the practice of ISO 14001 in the member states of the WTO, including Indonesia as sample of it implementation.

Bahasa Abstract

Penerapan standard ISO 14001 oleh World Trade Organization (WTO) telah diatur berdasarkan Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement. ISO 14001 adalah Standard Manajemen Lingkungan yang dikeluarkan oleh International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO merupakan salah satu organisasi untuk menentukan standard internasional. Standard yang dikeluarkan oleh ISO digunakan untuk menyamakan standard anggota WTO dalam perdagangan dunia. WTO adalah organisasi internasional untuk mengatur kelancaran perdagangan dunia. TBT telah mengatur bahwa : technical regulations and standards, including packaging, marking and labelling requirements, and procedures for assessment of conformity with technical regulations and standards do not create unnecessary obstacles to international trade. Salah satu standard ISO yang diterapkan dalam perdagangan dunia adalah ISO 14001 yaitu Environmental Managament System (EMS). WTO telah menetapkan bahwa standard EMS adalah salah satu persyaratan terhadap barang dan jasa yang akan di perdagangkan secara internasional. EMS dianggap oleh beberapa negara berkembang anggota WTO sebagai bentuk pelanggaran dari TBT Agreement yang dilakukan oleh negara maju. Persyaratan ekspor dengan mewajibkan ISO 14001 dianggap bertentangan dengan asas non diskriminasi dalam sistem perdagangan bebas WTO, sebab EMS hanyalah standard yang bersifat sukarela namun oleh negara maju dijadikan sebagai suatu syarat wajib dalam perdagangan. Indonesia sebagai negara anggota ISO sekaligus WTO memiliki pengalaman tersendiri dalam menerapkan aturan kedua organisasi ini. Artikel ini akan membahas penerapan ISO 14001 oleh WTO di negara anggotanya serta penerapannya di Indonesia.


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Books and Book Chapters

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Legal Documents

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Web Sources

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