"Kutukan dan berkah dalam cerita Jawa Kuna; Sebuah refleksi sikap aroga" by Dwi Woro Retno


Old Javanese tales like Adiparwa and Sudamala are full of elements of curse cast by a man or a god. The curses take the form of words uttered full of emotion and anger to the addressee. Curses may result in a physical transformation or a change in the fate of the person cursed. A curse cast by a god demonstrates the power. A curse, however, eventually produces blessing. Curse and blessing are two things that are different from and opposite to one another.


Eliade,Mircea (ed.) (1987, The Encyclopedia of Religion. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Hastings, James (ed.) (1961), Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Juynboll, H.H. (1906), Adiparwa. Den Haag.

Ions, Veronica (1968), Indian Mythology. London: The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited.

Widyatmanta (1958), Adiparwa. Yogyakarta: Lembaga Adat Istiadat dan Cerita Rakyat, Ditjen Kebudayaan Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Wijayanti, Dyah (1992), “Aspek Lingkungan dalam Kakawin Sumanasantaka”. Tesis Pascasarjana FS-UI, Depok (tidak diterbitkan).

Zoetmulder, P.J. (1985). Kalangwan. Jakarta: Penerbitan Djambatan.

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