Guidelines for the Preparation of Articles
Submission and processing of articles to Wacana are done on a non-paying basis. Each submission must include the intended upcoming issue. Articles that meet the initial technical requirements of Wacana will be included in the selection process.
Articles submitted for Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia, have not been published elsewhere and are not under review for possible publication elsewhere.
- Articles have to be written in English.
- Follow British spelling using the -ize variant (organize, realize, honour, centre but analyse); please consult a recent edition of an Oxford dictionary.
What you need to submit
- Articles should be submitted online through the journal website or as e-mail attachment.
- The article should be provided with an abstract (not more than 150 words) and keywords.
- Illustrations (table, chart, diagram, map or other figure, or photograph) should be submitted in separate files. Submitted digitized photographs and maps must be in high resolution, not less than 300 dpi (in PNG or JPEG files).
- A pdf of the article should also be submitted.
- About the author(s): give information about the present affiliation, fields of research interest, the title of (not more than two) main publications, and e-mail address.
The length of the articles
Between 20 and 40 A4 pages (excluding Abstract, Keywords, and References). The articles should be written in Book Antiqua, 11 point, 1.5 space in MS Word 2003 version or higher.
Abbreviations such as &, cf., e.g., etc., and i.e. may not be used. Instead write them in full: "and", "see", "for example", "et cetera", and "namely, that is". Abbreviations of names such as LIPI, Kemdiknas, LSM, TNI may be used but only if they occur more than once in the book; at first occurrence, write the name in full and put the abbreviation in parentheses, for example, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI).
Special symbols
If diacritics or special symbols occur, or if special fonts such as Kawi or Arabic are used, please contact Wacana for further instructions.
Titles of books and journals should be italicized. All non- English words should be italicized (vereniging, warung, merantau), unless they can be considered as loanwords in English (par excellence, gamelan, wayang, harem). Capitalized names should not be italicized: Taman Hiburan Rakyat, Orde Baru, Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie.
- If a person's name is mentioned for the first time, it should include the first name or initials. For example: P.G.J. van Sterkenburg, Pramoedya Ananta Toer.
- Articles such as van, ter, de attached to Dutch surnames standing alone are capitalized: Van der Capellen, Ter Aar, De Vries; otherwise the articles are lower-cased: J.D. van der Capellen, M. ter Aar, J.W. de Vries.
- In the text the format of dates should be as follows: 8 April 2009; in the notes and references 8-4-2009.
- Centuries are spelled out: nineteenth century.
Quotations and quotation marks
- Use double quotation marks: "Misquoting an author is considered a serious offence by many people" (Van Helder 1890: 138).
- For a quotation within quotation, use single quotation marks. Within quotation, put square brackets around additions and deletions: "Pernyata[a]n sejarawan itu tidak mudah dimengerti. [...] Masyarakat umum rupanya terbiasa akan sudut pandang dari seorang sastrawan. ‘Perbedaan [pandangan] di [antara] mereka sering membingungkan awam' [...]" (Sutrisno 2005: 221).
- Longer quotations should be set off from the text and indented, in which case quotation marks are not needed.
Footnotes and references
- Place the footnote number after the punctuation mark:2, after the comma,3, after the period.4
- References referring to one or two works should be placed in parentheses in the text (Cohen 2004: 34-39; Pigeaud 1960-64 V: 281-287; Van Sterkenburg and De Vries 1997: 56-59).
- More than one work by the same author: separate by commas (Jones 1998: 66, 2002: 24, 2003: 90). If there is more than one work per author per year, distinguish them by adding the letters a, b, c to the date (Cohen 2002a, 2002b, 2002c).
- More than one author with the same surname: include the first initial (H. Geertz 1971; C. Geertz 1976; C. Geertz and H. Geertz 1988).
- Multi-author works: (Houben, Maier, and Van der Molen 1992: 112-115) not (Houben, Maier, and Van der Molen eds 1992: 112-115).
- More than three authors: use et al. behind the first author.
- Any work soon to be published, is to be listed as "Forthcoming".
- Repeat the author and date each time, and give exact page numbers. Do not use such expressions as loc. cit., &, op. cit., ibid.
References: List in the references all and only those works cited in the text
- The author's name should include the full first name(s) if given on the title page.
- For anonymous work, list it under two or three words of the title, and italicize them: Pengaruh dominasi laki-laki. 2005. Pengaruh dominasi laki-laki atas peluang kerja bagi perempuan. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
- In titles of journals and other periodicals, use initial capitals for all main words (Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia).
- In titles of books or articles, capitalize only the proper names: Coppel, Charles A. 2002. "The Indonesian Chinese: ‘Foreign Orientals', Netherlands subjects and Indonesian citizens", in: M. Barry Hooker (ed.), Law and the Chinese in Southeast Asia, pp. 131-149. Singapore: Seng Lee Press.
- For articles in edited volumes, give the page numbers: Shohamy, Elana and Shoshi Waksman. 2009. "Linguistic landscape as an ecological arena; Modalities, meanings, negotiations, education", in: Elana Shohamy and Durk Gorter (eds), Linguistic landscape; Expanding the scenery, pp. 313–331. New York/London: Routledge.
- For Master's theses, conference papers, and unpublished manuscripts, see below: -Hoogervorst, Tom G. 2008. "Basa Jawa Surabayaan; Describing Surabaya's linguistic ecology". MPhil thesis, Universiteit Leiden. -Kisyani-Laksono. 2004. "Pojok Kampung: berita berbahasa Jawa yang naik daun". [Paper, Seminar Internasional Bahasa dan Budaya Austronesia, Denpasar, 19-21 August.] - Sumaryanto.2006."Kebiasaandankepercayaan dalam masyarakat Dayak Ngaju". [Report.]
- For PhD theses: Nurenzia Yannuar. 2019. Bòsò Walikan Malangan; Structure and development of a Javanese reversed language. PhD thesis, Leiden University.
- Electronic documents: United Nations. 1982. "United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea". [Retrieved from: http:// tests/unclos/unclos_e.pdf; accessed on 10-8- 2010.]
- Interviews: the name(s) of the person(s) should be given, mentioning the age between brackets, and the place and date of interview(s). This type of reference should be mentioned at the footnote(s). Interview with R. Abimanyu (65 years), Depok, 12-8-2003.
Guidelines for the preparation of book reviews
Reviews have to be written in English.
A review should be between 700–1200 words, using Book Antiqua 11 point, 1.5 space in MS Word 2003 version or higher.
We expect a review to be submitted at the latest three months after the book has been received.
Way of submission
Reviews should be submitted online through the journal website or as e-mail attachment.
- Avoid abbreviations, use "etcetera", "for example", "see/compare" instead of "etc.", "e.g.", "cf."
- Avoid footnotes. References to other books than the one under review should include the name of the author, title, year, and place of publication as well as the name of the publisher.
- Quotes from the book under review should be provided with double quotation marks and provided with the page number(s). When a quote is made within another quote, use single quotation marks for the inner quote and double quotation marks for the outer quote. Put every correction, addition, or deletion between square brackets.
- Example: "Pernyata[a]n sejarawan itu tidak mudah dimengerti. [...] Masyarakat umum rupanya terbiasa akan sudut pandang dari seorang sastrawan. ‘Perbedaan [pandangan] di [antara] mereka sering membingungkan awam' [...]" (p. 221).
Information to be provided about the book under review
- Name of the author. Use the full name as it appears on the title page of the book under review.
- Title. Use the full title exactly as it appears on the title page of the book, complete with punctuation marks and capitals. Use a semi colon (;) to separate main titles from subtitles except in cases the title itself provides a colon (:) which should be used in that case.
- In case the book has seen reprints, please indicate the number of the edition and the year when it was first published.
- Place of publication.
- Name of the publisher.
- Year of publication.
- Number of pages (including those in roman scripts).
- Information on the title and the series number when applicable.
- ISBN number.
- Price, if known.
- Soft- or hardcover.
- Your name as reviewer, including a brief indication of your affiliation, and your email address.
- A scan of the front cover of the book.
Example of a book review in Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022)
Wim van den Doel, SNOUCK; Het volkomen geleerdenleven van Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje. Amsterdam: Prometheus, 2021 + 624 pp. ISBN 978 90 446 35621. Price: EUR 49.99 (hardcover).
Dick van der Meij DREAMSEA/Digital Repository of Endangered and Affected Manuscripts in Southeast Asia, University of Hamburg |