"Surat-surat Sultan Banten Koleksi Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia" by Titik Pudjiastuti


From an investigation on a number of Banten archives recorded in the archives list of The National Archives of the Republic Indonesia (ANRI), it is found that there are only two letters of the Sultan of Banten in ANRI. One letter bears the number Banten archive No. 18 and the other one in No. 61. The letter in archieve No. 18 is a receipt for a payment made by Abul Mafakhir Muhammad Aliudin to Steve Nicolaas Meijbaum which was signed on November 1st, 1781. Whereas the letter in archive No. 61 is a letter from Sultan Muhamad bin Sultan Muhamad Muhyiddin Zainulssalihin to the Governor General to the Dutch Indies, Herman Willem Daendels. In this paper, I will discuss both letters of the Sultans Banten and start with discussing the physical aspect of the letters, then followed by the composition of the letters, the scripts, and the language. The appendix contains a photocopy of both of letters, together with a transliteration of the text.


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