

The aim of comedy as a work of drama is to entertanin and ciritcize by making fun of the human characters and flaws or helpless situation. Comedy also makes fun of people from the county side who imitate the ways the Parisians dress and talk in exaggerated way. The works of the well-known comedy writers like Moli re (1622-1673), Marivaux (1688-1763) and Beaumarchais (1732-1799) deal with universal characters and problems, stereotypical human flaws, for example, stinginess, hypocrisy, arrogance, and snobbism.


Bernex, Raymond (1976) (Edisi Pertama: 1963), Moliere. Le Tartuffe ou L’Impostuer. Paris: Bordas.

Bonneville, Georges (1976) (Edisi Pertama: 1963), Beaumarchais. Le Barbier de Seville. Paris: Bordas.

Castex, Pierre-Georges (1954), Manuel des Etudes Litteraires Franscaises. Moyen A, XVIe-XVIIe Siecles. Paris: Librarie Hachette.

Castex, Pierre-Georges (1954), Manuel des Etudes Litteraires Franscaises. XVIIIe-XIXe-XXe Siecles. Paris: Librarie Hachette.

Darcos, X (1992), Histoire de la Litterature Francaise. Paris: Librairie Hachette.

Hucher, Yves (1970), Moliere. Le Malade Imaginaire. Paris: Librairie Larousse.

Husen, Ida Sundari (2002), Mengenal Pengarang Prancis dari Abad ke Abad. Jakarta PT Grasindo.

Lagarde, Andre & Laurent Michard (1960), XVIIe Siecle. Les Grands Auteurs du Programme. Paris: Bordas.

Lagarde, Andre & Laurent Michard (1960), XVIIIe Siecle. Les Grands Auteurs du Programme. Paris: Bordas.

Marel, Anne-Marie H. dan Henri (1976) (Edisi Pertama: 1963), Moliere. Dom Juan ou Le Festin de Pierre. Paris: Bordas.

Mitterand, Henri (et al) (1988), Histoire de la Litterature Francaise. Moyen Age, XVIe-XVIIe Siecle. Paris: Nathan.

Mitterand, Henri (et al) (1988), Histoire de la Litterature Francaise. XVIIIe-XXe Siecle. Paris: Nathan.
