

Hianly Muljadi


This article examines factory outlet as a cultural phenomenon in Indonesia. It specifically focuses in the shift in FO meanings. Through observation, bibliographic study and critical critique, it is shown that FO has been perceived differently from a place to get "branded products" for the lower middle class in order to increase their social status to a shopping heaven for the upper class


Du Gay, P., dkk. (1999), Doing Cultural Studies: the Story of the Sony Walkman. London: Sage.

Storey, Jhon (1996), Cultural Studies and the Study of Populer Culture: Theories and Methods. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Media Indonesia, 18 November 2001, “Factory Outlet: Bergaya dengan yang tersisa”.

Nova, No. 721/XIV, 23 Desember 2001, “Perry Tristianto: Sebulan Kehilangan 1000 Potong Pakaian.”

Indonesia Daily News, 26 Oktober 2002, “FO Concept Is Not Selling Copycat Goods”.

Memburu Merek ala Factory Outlet (www.LippoStar.com)

Republika, 4 Januari 2001,”Mulai Pekan Depan Diterbitkan: Benci dan Rindu ‘Factory Outlet’.”


http://www.thebigpricecut.com/article/main.html (diakses 26 Oktober 2002)
