"Loving nature, praising the creator; The visualizations of the natural" by Muhammad Yuanda Zara


This study examines previously unexplored visual representations of the natural world published in Pandji Masjarakat magazine in 1960. Known at the time as the most popular Islamic magazine in Indonesia, this publication not only discussed Islamic teachings as hitherto understood, but also provided ample space for the publication of drawings, paintings, and photographs of the natural world. This study argues that the visualizations of the natural world in Pandji Masjarakat were aimed at providing its Muslim readers all over Indonesia and in the wider Malay world with guidance on how to see the natural world and people’s place in it in proper perspective, namely beautiful nature is Allah’s creation and people are welcome to use it taking full responsibility and expressing proper gratitude for it. This study sheds light on the changing attitude of Muslims to the portrayal of living things by presenting how progressive Muslims represented the natural world visually amid the throes of the rapid physical development in increasingly modernized Indonesia.



Pandji Masjarakat 1 (15-6-1959).

Pandji Masjarakat 4 (1-8-1959).

Pandji Masjarakat 14 (1-1-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 15 (15-1-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 16 (1-2-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 17 (15-2-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 18 (1-3-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 19 (15-3-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 20 (28-3-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 21 (15-4-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 22 (1-5-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 23 (15-5-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 24 (1-6-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 25 (15-6-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 26 (1-7-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 27 (15-7-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 28 (1-8-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 29 (15-8-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 30 (1-9-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 31 (15-9-1960).

Pandji Masjarakat 32/33 (1/15-9-1960).

Soewara Moehammadijah, date unclear (the front cover is damaged), probably July 1922.

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