

The article contributes an excerpt from the Karaton Surakarta poet Ronggasasmita’s Suluk Kutub (also known as Suluk Samsu Tabriz) along with an annotated translation of the text into English. Suluk Kutub is one of the metaphysical poems that belong to this Sufi poet’s Suluk Acih, a text that he compiled in Aceh in 1815. The poem is a Javanese rendition of the meeting of Jalaluddin Rumi (Jav. Mulana Amir Kaji Rum) with his beloved, Shamsuddin Tabrizi (Jav. Samsu Tabriz). The commentary forms a short meditation on, and guide to, the specific practices of translating Javanese poetry into English – performed in part in dialogue with Ronggasasmita.



Cakradiningrat, K.G.P.H. (ed.). 1864. Sĕrat suluk warni-warni tuwin wirid Syattariyah. Compiled and inscribed in Surakarta. [MS. Radya Pustaka (RP) 333.]

Sĕrat Ngusulbiyah lan sapanunggilanipun: Yasan-dalĕm Kangjĕng Ratu Mas Balitar. 1729-1730. Compiled and inscribed in Kartasura. [MS. Radya Pustaka (RP) 348.]

Ronggasasmita, M. 1815. Suluk Acih. Compiled in Aceh, 1815; inscribed in the Karaton Surakarta, 1867. [MS. Karaton Surakarta (KS) 502/Sasana Pustaka 15 Ca.]

Ronggasasmita, M. 1815. Suluk Acih. Compiled in Aceh, 1815, in: Cakradiningrat, K.G.P.H., Sĕrat suluk warni-warni tuwin wirid Syattariyah, pp. 1-118. Compiled and inscribed in Surakarta, 1864. [MS. Radya Pustaka (RP) 333.]

Ronggasasmita, M. 1815. Suluk Acih. Compiled in Aceh, 1815, in: Sĕmantri, Sĕrat Suluk Warni-Warni, pp. 1-91. Compiled and inscribed in Surakarta, 1886. [MS. Radya Pustaka (RP) 332.]

Sĕmantri. 1886. Sĕrat suluk warni-warni. Compiled and inscribed in Surakarta. [MS. Radya Pustaka (RP) 332.]

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