

This article examines the social realities of literary works and the colonial perceptions of socio-political movement inspired by the ideologies of Islam, communism, and the Just King (Ratu Adil). The main sources for this study are four propaganda literatures published by the Resident of Yogyakarta, Louis Frederik Dingemans (1924-1927). It employs post-colonial literary theory to analyse the colonial authority’s perceptions of Islam, communism, and Ratu Adil, and examines how colonial rulers (as colonizers) positioned themselves as above indigenous society (the colonized) as the guardians of moral, social, and political order.


KITLV manuscripts

Bebenduning Pangeran dateng nagari ingkang resah (God’s wrath upon a restless nation), Bab Sumardi satunggaling komunis ingkang enget (Sumardi, the repentant communist),

Caritanipun Kacung diukum pangadilan jalaran ngobong omah (The story of Kacung, sentenced by the court for burning a house), Caritanipun Simin diukum pangadilan amarga dadi Ratu Adil palsu (The story of Simin, punished by the court for falsely claiming to be the Just King).


Collection of the Tropenmuseum TM 60041526 (Picture 1) TM 60041535 (Picture 3) TM 60041536 (Picture 2)

TM 60041546 (Picture 4) Collection of Widya Pustaka Pakualaman Yogyakarta, Album F (Pictures 5-9)

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