

On the basis of the theoretical notions of discursive ambience and ambient discourse, this article examines the recent history of language and ethnicity in Banyuwangi in the far east of Java. Over the last three decades (with roots going back to the 1920s and earlier) a redefinition of the language and culture of the "autochthonous" inhabitants of Banyuwangi has been occurring. Their status and constitution have been changing from a variety of Javanese into an autonomous language and ethnicity, called, after the name given to the language or dialect, Osing. At the same time, an idyllic and heroic picture of the regional past is being constructed and maintained. Prominent among the factors and agencies involved in these two ongoing processes is popular media culture. The regency of Banyuwangi and especially its capital (also named Banyuwangi) are being cast - albeit sporadically and incidentally and sometimes controversially - as an Osing region. At the centre of this historical process, people publicly render themselves - also sporadically and temporarily - Banyuwanginese by listening to and especially by singing, in karaoke-style, a genre of pop music with Osing lyrics and musical characteristics perceived as local.


Audio and video recordings

12 Lagu Blambangan: Ancur Lebur. Performed by Yuliatin, vocalist, with Sekar Arum Group. Surabaya: Golden Hand, s.a. [2002 or earlier]. [C-60 audio cassette].

Isun Lare Using. Performed by Emilia Contessa [and Yudhy Kurnia Ivani, Herlina, Yati Marini, Supinah, and Edy Leksono], vocalist[s]. [Surabaya:] Golden Hand, s.a. [1995]. [C-60 audio cassette].

Lare Osing. Performed by Eka Tasmiati, Yayan Sanjaya, and Arief, vocalists, with Avica Group directed by Djoko P. Susanto. Musical arrangements by S. Marto. [Malang:] Jayabaya Record, s.a. [1991?]. [C-60 audio cassette].

Penumpasan Pengkhianatan G 30 S PKI. Naskah/cerita: Nugroho Notosusanto. Sutradara/skenario: Arifin C Noer. [Jakarta:] Pusat Produksi Film Negara [PPFN], Departemen Penerangan, s.a. [3 video compact discs. On the title credits of the film itself, it is titled “Pengkhianatan Gerakan 30 September”].

Super elekton Vol. 1: gending-gending boso Osing. Performed by Novi Kutwati, Indah Jelita, and R. Syahlani, vocalists. S.l.: Pratista Jaya Record, s.a. [2002 or earlier]). [C-60 audio cassette].

Umbul Umbul Belambangan / Dino Dadine Banyuwangi. Performed by Niken Arisandi, S. Hadi, Dian Ratih, Dadang Sastrodiwiryo, and Cornelis, vocalists. S.l.: Sahdar Enterprise, s.a. [2000 or 2001]. [C-60 audio cassette].


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