Smart City | Vol 1 | Iss 1

Volume 1, Issue 1 (2021) Cities and Shifts: Socio-Economic Changes During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

The notion of resilience is rapidly gaining audience in the realm of urban planning. The COVID-10 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of the urban living and raises the issue of resilience in the planning of areas of important significance. Urban resilience is often place-based, where the amount of stress experienced by a city can be vary according on its social, economic, and environmental circumstances. Understanding the various aspects of vulnerability within cities – is crucial in making a more resilient city, as we face a time of unprecedented change and uncertainty with the urban environment under the spotlight. Urban resilience is a complex and dynamic topic to discuss, because a large part of it is constantly changing and evolving, such as migration patterns, natural disasters, demographics, industrial developments, and diseases to name a few. The role of smart city could not be more important than now, as it holds the potential to close the open data capacity gap and cultivate an agile approach in managing urban resilience.


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