

Gelatin in the majority market comes from pigs and cows. The raw material of gelatin manufacture from other sources continue to be studied because it closely related with halal product. Currently gelatin from fish is an alternative to gelatin making. Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) is a fish species developed in Kampar regency of Riau Province. The catfish skin can be used as raw material source in gelatin production. This study aims to compare the characteristics of gelatin extracted from catfish skin with acid and alkaline pretreatment. In the acid pretreatment, sulfuric acid is used until the solution at pH 3, then it is extracted with distilled water at 60ºC. In the alkaline pretreatment, the sample was added by 0.2 N NaOH followed by 0.05 N acetic acid and then extracted with distilled water at 60ºC. Characterizations done were including calculation of rendement value, organoleptic test, moisture content, pH, ash content, viscosity, gel strength and texture profile analysis using texture analyzer, protein content with Kjeldahl method and analysis amino acid with HPLC. Characterization of catfish gelatin with acid process gives the following results: rendement (14.94%), water content (9.80%), pH (5.14), ash (0.19%), viscosity (3.12 cP), protein content (97.71%), and highest amino acids, glycine = 16.90 %, proline = 11.08%, glutamic acid = 9.10 %. The result of gelatin characterizations with alkaline process: rendement (14.30%), water content (7.25%), and pH (5.35), ash content (1.54%), viscosity (5.35 cP), gel strength (141,5 g), protein content (91.92%), the highest amino acid content are glycine = 18.15%, proline = 12.30%, glutamic acid = 10.73%. Catfish gelatin through alkaline pretreatment exhibits better properties than acid pretreatment.

Bahasa Abstract

Gelatin yang ada di pasaran mayoritas berasal dari babi dan sapi. Bahan baku pembuatan gelatin dari sumber lain terus diteliti karena erat kaitannya dengan kehalalan produk. Saat ini gelatin dari ikan merupakan salah satu alternatif sumber pembuatan gelatin. Ikan patin (Pangasius hypophthalmus) adalah jenis ikan yang dikembangkan di Kabupaten Kampar, Provinsi Riau. Kulit ikan patin ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber bahan baku pada pembuatan gelatin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan hasil karakterisasi gelatin yang diekstraksi dari kulit ikan patin melalui proses asam dan basa. Pada proses asam digunakan asam sulfat pH 3 lalu diekstraksi dengan aquades pada suhu 60oC. Pada proses basa, dilakukan penambahan NaOH 0,2 N yang diikuti dengan asam asetat 0,05 N dan diekstraksi dengan aquades pada suhu 60oC. Karakterisasi yang dilakukan meliputi perhitungan nilai rendemen, uji organoleptis, kadar air, pH, kadar abu, viskositas, kekuatan gel dan analisis profil tekstur menggunakan texture analyzer, kadar protein dengan metode Kjeldahl dan kadar asam amino secara KCKT. Karakterisasi gelatin ikan patin dengan proses asam memberikan hasil sebagai berikut: rendemen (14,94%), kadar air (9,80%), pH (5,14), kadar abu (0,19%), viskositas (3,12 cP), kadar protein (97,71%), dan kadar asam amino tertinggi yaitu glisin = 16,90%, prolin = 11,08%, asam glutamat = 9,10%. Hasil karakterisasi gelatin dengan proses basa: rendemen (14,30%), kadar air (7,25%), pH (5,35), kadar abu (1,54%), viskositas (5,35 cP), kekuatan gel (141,5 g), kadar protein (91,92%), kadar asam amino paling banyak yaitu glisin = 18,15% , prolin = 12,30% , asam glutamat = 10,73%. Gelatin ikan patin yang dihasilkan melalui proses basa menunjukkan karakteristik yang lebih baik daripada proses asam. Kata kunci: ikan patin (Pangasius hypophthalmus), kekuatan gel, kadar protein, kadar asam amino, HPLC



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