Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (PSR) is an official scientific journal managed by the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Indonesia. It was first published in 2004 under the name Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian (MIK). In 2014, MIK was transformed into PSR. PSR is published three times annually. It aims to publish a complete and reliable source of information on discoveries and developments of natural pharmaceutical products (drugs, cosmetics, health supplements, functional foods, etc. from natural ingredients) and their delivery system, used for the prevention, treatment of diseases, and protection of public health, with a strong emphasis on originality and scientific quality. We also consider other areas related to pharmaceutical sciences and practices. All submitted manuscripts are subjected to double-blind peer review and editorial review processes before being granted acceptance. As of February 2019, we only accept manuscripts in English. PSR has been accredited by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia since 2017. PSR is published by the Faculty of Pharmacy UI in collaboration with IAI (Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia or Indonesian Pharmacists Association). As of November 2019, the PSR website moved to this address to provide better quality access to the journal. Back issues of MIK remain available at the previous website:
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (PSR) is indexed in:Current Issue: Volume 11, Number 1 (2024)
Original Articles
Physico-Chemical, Organoleptic, and Antioxidant Properties of Black Soybean Flour (Glycine soja (L.) Merrit) Flakes with the Addition of Bangle (Zingiber purpureum Roxb.)
Ika Dyah Kumalasari, Nurkhasanah Nurkhasanah, and Sepitriani Sepitriani
Antioxidant Activities and Protective Effects of Shorea macrophylla Leaf and Bark Extracts
Salfarina Ramli, Nik Nor Sabrina Sukri, Nur Adhwa’ Faqihah Zulkifli, Donna Maretta Ariestanti, Chee Yan Choo, Hasseri Halim, Nurhuda Manshoor, and Richard Johari James
Antioxidant, Tyrosinase Inhibition Activity, and In Vitro SPF Evaluation of Pepino Fruit Extract (Solanum muricatum Aiton) in Different Solvent Types and Concentrations
Nining Sugihartini, Girly Risma Firsty, Wahyu Kumil Laila, Sri Mulyaningsih, and Ichwan Ridwan Rais
Review Articles
Transdermal Delivery of Ketoprofen for Osteoarthritis Treatment and Management: A Literature Review on Current Progression
Dwi Asih Ramadhani, Yahdiana Harahap, Erny Sagita, Kartika Citra Dewi Permata Sari, Rr. Kirana Andranilla, Jessica Trisina, Gabriella Frederika Punu, and Delly Ramadon
Current Update of Clinical Therapeutic Strategies for Colon-Targeted Delivery Systems
Risa Widiani Batubara, Fadlina Chany Saputri, and Raditya Iswandana