
Focus and Scope

Psychological Research on Urban Society (PRoUSt) welcomes excellent empirical and theoretical contributions to applied research related to the psychology of urban issues. Reviews are also welcome, as are replications of previous research. Articles deal with all fields on urban society, such as urban mental health and well-being, educational and child development in urban society, intergroup relation, acculturation, and identity formation in urban contexts, urban social issues (e.g., poverty, traffic, crime and violence), urban culture, and urban issues on employment and organizational behavior. As these topics are closely related to issues in other disciplines, this journal is open to contributions of an interdisciplinary nature.

The readership of PRoUSt Journal consists of academics and practitioners; thus it is suggested that all authors consider these diverse audiences into their writing. Authors of theoretical or highly empirical papers are encouraged to communicate practical implications of their studies, and authors of practice-oriented papers should clearly elaborate the theoretical approach they are using.

The topics that include in this journal are:

  • Urban mental health and well-being
  • Education and child development in urban society
  • Intergroup relation, acculturation, and identity formation in urban contexts
  • Urban social issues (ex: poverty, traffic, crime and violence)
  • Urban culture
  • Urban issues on employment and organizational behavior
  • Technology and urban society