Aishah Alsolami : 0000-0002-3442-8705
Hanan Alkorashy : 0000-0002-1073-8813
Mysara Alfaki : 0000-0001-5458-8047
Ahmed Alkarani : 0000-0002-1117-5581
Background: Healthcare organizations have a dynamic work-environment that changes constantly. This study aimed to explore whether there is a relationship between work-environment uncertainty and nurses’ readiness to participate in organizational change.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at two tertiary hospitals. The sample size was 222 nurses. A self-report questionnaire was adopted, translated to Arabic, and used for collecting data; it consists of three scales, personal data sheet, organizational readiness for implementing change scale, and perceived environmental uncertainty in hospitals scale. Descriptive statistics t-test and analysis of variance were used to analyze the data.
Results: The level of agreement with the change efficacy statements with the total mean percentage of nurses’ readiness for organizational change (change efficacy) was 67.0%, and it was slightly higher than the commitment statements, in which the total mean percentage of nurses’ readiness for organizational change (change commitment) was 64.2%. In addition, one of the work-environment uncertainty dimensions, which is the individual attribute (need for information), positively correlated with the organizational readiness to change.
Conclusions: The organizational readiness to implement organizational change is high. Environmental complexity was highly perceived among nurses as one of the work-environment uncertainty dimensions. An organizational environment considering employee characteristics must be developed to improve their knowledge, skills, and attitude to adapt to change and uncertainty.
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Recommended Citation
Alsolami A, Alkorashy H, Alfaki M, Alkarani A. Nurses’ Perception of Work-Environment Uncertainty and Readiness for Organizational Change. Makara J Health Res. 2023;27.
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