"Bullying and psychological disturbances among schoolchildren" by Muhammad Lokman Md Isa, Nurfatin Aina Mocktar et al.


Background: Bullying is a common violence in school and has become a major public health and global concern. Bullying influences mental health and is identified as a leading factor of depression. Therefore, this study aimed to identify bullying prevalence and its association toward psychological disturbances (stress, anxiety, and depression).

Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in three secondary schools in Kuantan. After obtaining consent from parents/guardians, participants were asked to answer a self-administered questionnaire, including School Climate Bullying Survey, Depression Anxiety Stress Questionnaire-21, Patient Depression Questionnaire, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Demographic data were self-reported. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0, and chi-square and correlation tests were conducted for variables.

Results: A total of 207 students were included in this study. Of respondents, 50.7% were boys and 49.3% girls, and the majority (92.8%) were Malays. Of students, 63.2% were involved in bullying problems through the school years, with verbal bullying as the highest (55.1%). Bullying is significantly associated with stress (p = 0.045), anxiety (p = 0.018), and depression (p = 0.012).

Conclusions: School children in Kuantan continue to be involved in bullying. The current study supported that involvement with any bullying activity was associated with psychological disturbances including anxiety, stress, and depression.


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