"Pterygium recurrence and corneal stabilization point" by Mohd Radzi Hilmi, Khairidzan Mohd Kamal et al.


Background: This study aimed to evaluate the pterygium recurrence rate and corneal stabilization point after pterygium excision via the controlled partial avulsion fibrin glue technique using multiple corneal parameters.

Methods: One hundred eyes of 100 patients who had undergone primary pterygium excision surgery via the controlled partial avulsion fibrin glue technique were retrospectively reviewed. Corneal stabilization points were determined over four follow-up sessions (i.e., the 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 12th months after surgery) based on changes in Simulated-K, corneal irregularity measurement, shape factor, and toric mean keratometry. Post-operative courses were followed for 12 months after surgery. Recurrence was defined as the regrowth of fibrovascular tissue 1 mm past the corneoscleral limbus.

Results: No sign of pterygium recurrence and the corneal stabilization point were observed at the third month post-operation. Significance improvements in all corneal parameters were noted between the 1st and 3rd months (both p < 0.001); however, insignificant changes were noted at the following 6th- and 12th-month visits (both p > 0.05).

Conclusion: The controlled partial avulsion fibrin glue technique may improve surgical outcomes with long-term recurrence rates equal to or lower than those previously reported. Corneal surface recovery is completed after the third month of the excision procedure.


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