
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian


Renal dysfunction can be caused by several factors, including hypertension, urinary tract obstruction, autoimmune disorders, urinary tract infection, diabetes mellitus, consumption of drugs that affect nephrotoxic and antibiotic from aminoglycoside class. Breadfruit leaves (Artocarpus altilis (Park.) Fsb.) is a traditional plant that hasbeen used empirically to treat kidney diseases. The research has been done to figure out the nephroprotective effect of breadfruit leaves infusion on white male rats strain Sprague-Dawley previously induced by carbon tetrachloride. There were 25 rats which were divided randomly into five groups. Group I which was the normal control group received CMC 0,5%. Group II which was the carbon tetrachloride control group was induced with carbon tetrachloride that was dissolved in the coconut oil 0,4 mL/kg bw rat. Group III, IV and V were administered doses of infusion 13,5 g/kg bw/day; 27 g/kg bw/day and 54 g/kg bw/day for 7 days. Two hours later, the animals were given carbon tetrachloride induction. At the 8th day, the blood was collected from the orbital sinus and then the rats were performed a surgery to collect the kidney. The urea and creatinine plasma level measurement has been done by colorimetric method and histology of kidney was observed. One way ANOVA (α=0,1) of the study showed that nephroprotective effect of breadfruit leaves infusion were significantly different among groups and dose of 54 g/kg bw/day has the best nephroprotective effect.

Bahasa Abstract

Gangguan fungsi ginjal dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor,diantaranya penyakit hipertensi, adanya sumbatan pada saluran kemih, kelainan autoimun, infeksi saluran kemih, diabetes mellitus, konsumsi obat-obatan yang berefek nefrotoksik dan obat antibiotik golongan aminoglikosida. Daun sukun (Artocarpus altilis (Park.) Fsb.) merupakan tanaman tradisional yang secara empiris digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit ginjal. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek nefroprotektif infus daun sukun pada tikus putih jantan galur Sprague-Dawley yang diinduksi dengan karbon tetraklorida. Hewan uji terdiri atas 25 ekor tikus yang dibagi atas lima kelompok secara acak, kelompok I merupakan kontrol normal yang diberi CMC 0,5%, kelompok II diinduksi dengan karbon tetraklorida dalam minyak kelapa dengan dosis 0,4 mL/kg bb tikus, kelompok III, IV dan V diberi sediaan uji selama 7 hari dengan dosis berturut-turut 13,5 g/kg bb tikus/hari; 27g/kg bb tikus/hari dan 54 g/kg bb tikus/hari. Dua jam setelah pemberian sediaanuji, hewan uji diinduksi karbon tetraklorida. Pada hari ke-8 dilakukan pengambilan darah melalui sinus orbital mata dan dibedah untuk diambil ginjalnya. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengukuran kadar urea dan kreatinin plasma secara kolorimetri serta pemeriksaan histologis ginjal. Hasil ANAVA satu arah (α=0,1) menunjukkan bahwa efek nefroprotektif yang dihasilkan antar kelompok memiliki perbedaan yang bermakna dan dosis 54 g/kg bb tikus/hari memiliki efek nefroprotektif paling baik. Kata kunci: daun sukun, gambaran histologis, ginjal, kreatinin, urea