
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian


To fulfill the consumer expectation, cosmetic industries mostly add glycolic acid as whitening agent to the sunscreen preparation. The aim of this research was to know the effect of glycolic acid addition with the concentration of 8, 10, and 12% w/w on physical stability and effectiveness of sunscreen product containing oxybenzone and octyl methoxycinnamate (2: 7% w/w) in carbomer 940 gel. The physical stability test was done by observing physical appearance, pH, and spreading ability during 60 day storages on zone IV condition (temperature 30±0.5° and RH 70±2%). The efficacy was determinated base on SPF (Sun Protection Factor) value by spectrophotometer. The result of the physical stability test showed that glycolic acid addition affects the physical appearance (consistency) of sunscreen product, but pH and spreading ability are relatively stable. The efficacy test result showed that the addition of glycolic acid has an effect on SPF value of sunscreen product. Product which combined with glycolic acid showed a significant increase of SPF value, compared to control formula. The addition of glycolic acid increased SPF value and alter the effectiveness category from extra protection to maximal protection.

Bahasa Abstract

Asam glikolat sebagai pemutih seringkali ditambahkan pada sediaan tabir surya untuk memenuhi harapan konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan pengaruh asam glikolt 8, 10 dan 12% terhadap stabilitas fisik dan efektivitas tabir surya yang mengandung kombinasi oksibenson dan oktilmetoksisinamat (2:7 %) dalam gel carbomer 940. Stabilitas fisik ditentukan selama 60 hari setelah pembuatan sesuai kondisi zona IV, meliputi: penampilan fisik, pH, dan daya sebar. Efektivitas ditentukan berdasar nilai SPF (sun protecting faktor) secara spektrofotometri. Hasil uji stabilitas fisik menunjukkan bahwa adanya asam glikolat mempengaruhi konsistensi sediaan, tetapi pH dan daya sebarnya relatif stabil selama penyimpanan. Harga SPF tabir surya yang diperoleh berdasarkan uji efektivitas sediaan, dibandingkan dengan kontrol dipengaruhi secara bermakna dengan adanya asam glikolat, meningkatkan SPF sehingga menyebabkan perubahan kategori sediaan tabir surya dari golongan perlindungan ekstra menjadi perlindungan maksimal. Kata kunci: asam glikolat, oksibenson, oktil metoksisinamat, SPF, tabir surya.