
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian


Pregelatinized cassava star ch (PCS) is a physically modified starch. The purposes of the study were to improve functionality of PCS with making coprocess composed of PCS and methylcellulose (MC) by proportionally variation, which are 2:1, 3:1, and 4:1, as well as to applied co-processed excipient that could retard the drug release as coating material of theophylline tablet. Coprocessed excipient were characterized in terms of morphology, particle size distribution, compressibility index, flow rate and angle of repose, thermal analysis, hygroscopicity, gel strength, swelling test, and moiety analysis. Theophylline tablet that coated by PCS, MC, and co-processed PCSMC ratio (4:1) characterized and in vitro drug release were made in chloride medium of pH 1,2 and phosphate medium of pH 7,2. The characterization result of co-processed PCS-MC showed the improvement of functionality from PCS and synergism PCS with MC. Meanwhile, the result of in vitro drug release showed theophylline tablet that coated by MC 1%, co-processed PCS-MC (4:1) 4% and 2% could retard the drug release in both medium.

Bahasa Abstract

Pregelatinisasi pati singkong (PPS) merupakan pati yang mengalami modifikasi fisika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan fungsionalitas dari PPS dengan membuat koproses yang terbuat dari PPS dan metilselulosa (MC) dengan variasi perbandingan 2:1, 3:1, dan 4:1, serta mengaplikasikan eksipien koproses tersebut sebagai bahan penyalut tablet teofilin yang dapat menahan pelepasan obat. Eksipien koproses yang dihasilkan dikarakterisasi meliputi morfologi, distribusi ukuran partikel, indeks kompresibilitas, laju alir dan sudut istirahat, analisis termal, higroskopisitas, viskositas, kekuatan gel, daya mengembang, dan analisis gugus fungsi. Tablet teofilin yang disalut dengan PPS, MC, dan koproses PPS-MC (4:1) dikarakterisasi serta dibuat profil pelepasan obat dalam medium klorida pH 1,2 dan fosfat pH 7,2. Hasil karakterisasi koproses PPS-MC menunjukkan peningkatan fungsionalitas PPS dan sinergisme PPS dengan MC. Sementara itu, uji pelepasan obat secara in vitro menunjukkan tablet teofilin yang disalut dengan MC 1%, koproses PPS-MC (4:1) 4% dan 2% dapat memperlambat pelepasan obat pada kedua medium. Kata Kunci : koproses, metilselulosa, pregelatinisasi pati singkong, teofilin, tablet salut.