Account Executive is an important role in an advertising company. An Account Executive here is responsible for monitoring the progress of the project, making minutes of meetings in detail, minimizing internal team errors so that the project runs smoothly in order to achieve the targets and objectives of the program. This paper aims to explore the role of the Account Executive in planning to increase awareness of the Offside Jon! #PilDun2022Edition Jamilo TV is owned by Ibnu Jamilo who collaborated with Bhumi Pictures to create a YouTube program for the 2022 World Cup edition. This program was produced for one month from 20 November to 20 December 2022 using the AISAS method as its marketing communications strategy. The research was carried out qualitatively, using the participatory observation method and unstructured observation of aspects in the digital field. Even though there were several gaps in the planning of the production process, in the end this program received good enthusiasm from the audience. With the achievement of 20 episodes, it was watched more than 270 thousand times on YouTube with a total of 2 brand partnerships in 2 episodes, as well as 102.9 thousand views on Instagram and 2.64 million on Tiktok Jamilo TV. It is hoped that this article will become a useful up-to-date reference for Account Executives involved in digital media platforms, practitioners, institutions and companies in maintaining awareness of their programs in the midst of the rapid era of digitalization.
Bahasa Abstract
Account Executive merupakan salah satu peran yang penting dalam perusahaan periklanan. Seorang Account Executive di sini bertanggung jawab dalam memantau jalannya proyek, membuat minutes of meeting dengan detail, meminimalisir kesalahan tim internal agar proyek berjalan lancar demi tercapainya target serta objective dari program tersebut. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi peran Account Executive dalam menyusun perencanaan meningkatkan awareness program Offside Jon! #PilDun2022Edition Jamilo TV milik Ibnu Jamilo yang bekerja sama dengan Bhumi Pictures untuk membuat program YouTube edisi Piala Dunia 2022. Program ini diproduksi selama satu bulan mulai dari 20 November hingga 20 Desember 2022 dengan menggunakan metode AISAS sebagai strategi komunikasi pemasarannya. Penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif, dengan melakukan metode observasi tidak terstruktur terhadap aspek-aspek di bidang media sosial, khususnya Youtube. Walau terdapat beberapa kesenjangan perencanaan proses produksi, akhirnya program ini mendapat antusias baik dari para audiens. Dengan 20 episode, ditonton sebanyak lebih dari 270 ribu kali dengan total 2 brand partnership dalam 2 episode, serta ditonton sebanyak 102.9 ribu pada Instagram dan 2.64 juta pada Tiktok Jamilo TV. Tulisan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi bermanfaat bagi Account Executive yang berkecimpung di platform media digital, praktisi, institusi, hingga perusahaan dalam mempertahankan awareness program mereka di tengah pesatnya era digitalisasi.
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Recommended Citation
ningtyas, putri ayu; Satria, Hardika Widi; and Kamila, Anisah Dini
Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Terapan: Vol. 5:
2, Article 8.
DOI: 10.7454/jsht.v5i2.1096
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