

The Role of Ease of Use, Security, Innovation, and Service Speed in Shaping Customer Experience and Loyalty in Investment Fintech Apps

This study examines the influence of customer experience on user loyalty toward investment fintech applications in Indonesia. The rapid growth of fintech has revolutionized the financial sector by providing easier and more efficient access to financial services. This research investigates factors influencing customer experience, including ease of use, perceived value, customer support, perceived risk, service speed, and perceived innovativeness, as well as their impact on customer loyalty. Data were collected from 301 users of investment fintech applications in Indonesia and analyzed using Partial Least Squares - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Results indicate that ease of use, perceived value, security, speed, and firm innovativeness significantly affect customer experience. Furthermore, customer experience significantly enhances loyalty intention. These findings offer insights for fintech companies to improve service quality and strengthen customer relationships.


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Bahasa Abstract

Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh pengalaman pengguna terhadap loyalitas pengguna aplikasi fintech investasi di Indonesia. Pesatnya perkembangan fintech telah merevolusi sektor keuangan dengan menyediakan akses yang lebih mudah dan efisien ke layanan keuangan. Penelitian ini meneliti faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi penggalaman pelanggan, seperti kemudahan penggunaan, nilai yang dirasakan, dukungan pelanggan, persepsi risiko, kecepatan layanan, dan inovasi perusahaan, serta dampaknya terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Data dikumpulkan dari 301 responden pengguna aplikasi fintech investasi di Indonesia dan dianalisis menggunakan metode Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kemudahan penggunaan, persepsi nilai, jaminan keamanan, kecepatan layanan, dan persepsi keinovasian perusahaan secara signifikan memengaruhi pengalaman pengguna. Selain itu, pengalaman pengguna terbukti berperan signifikan dalam meningkatkan niat loyalitas. Temuan ini memberikan panduan bagi perusahaan fintech untuk memperkuat kualitas layanan dan hubungan dengan pelanggan mereka.
