

This study investigates the effect of religious-related attributes in social media promotion materials towards Muslim consumers’ behavioural intention, with consumer’s offensiveness mediating. Theories are applied to a case where Hanamasa Indonesia’s promotion materials were treated with skeptical e-WOMs since a customer revealed her experience was contrast to what appears visually and audibly on the restaurant’s social media posts. This quantitative study utilized 204 samples in a SEM (structural equation modelling) analysis and resulted: 1) visual attributes cause negative e-WOM indirectly, 2) consumer’s offensiveness mediates visual attributes on social media promotion materials to cause negative e-WOM, 3) consumer’s responsiveness mediates visual attributes on social media promotion materials to their offensiveness and 4) how consumers perceive the importance of Halal logo prevents them from getting offended.


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Bahasa Abstract

Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat dampak yang ditimbulkan atribut religius dalam konten promosi di media sosial terhadap perilaku konsumen Muslim ketika termediasi consumer offensiveness (kekecewaan). Model diaplikasikan pada obyek studi kasus Hanamasa Indonesia, restoran yang sempat ramai disebut dalam e-WOM sebab isu kehalalannya. Penelitian bersifat kuantitatif dengan melibatkan 204 konsumen Hanamasa Indonesia yang datanya diolah dengan teknik SEM (structural equation modelling). Dari penelitian ini terungkap bahwa: 1) atribut visual memicu e-WOM negatif secara tidak langsung, 2) consumer offensiveness memediasi atribut visual pada konten promosi di media sosial terhadap disampaikannya e-WOM negatif, 3) sikap responsiveness konsumen memediasi atribut visual pada konten promosi di media sosial terhadap kekecewaannya, dan 4) perceived importance of Halal logo menghindari konsumen dari rasa kecewa.

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