

The development of the hospitality industry in Indonesia increasingly pushes the hotel business to provide the best service for hotel guests. As one of the most affected by customer satisfaction, the Food and Beverage Service (FBS) department of every hotel needs to provide the most effective and efficient services. The study which held at Hotel X is purposed to identify and eliminate wastes in the room service breakfast set process at Hotel X using the value stream mapping method in order to attain effectivity and efficacy in services. In addition, this study also provides suggestions for improvement to attain the elimination of waste. The result of this research is the identification of four wastes, including over-processing, motion, defects, and waiting. The suggested improvements are including updating the ordering system, recruiting hygiene specialist, conducting walkthrough inspections, using inventory management technology, performing maintenance on room service delivery equipment, and building linen and garbage chutes. Based on this study’s future state map, the increases in the parameters in the entire value stream is obtained, namely the total lead time decreased by 43%, the total process time decreased by 42%, the total non-value added time decreased by 51%, and the total waiting time decreased by 44%. This study suggests that the proposed improvements are implemented by Hotel X.

Bahasa Abstract

Berkembangnya industri perhotelan di Indonesia semakin menekan bisnis hotel untuk memberikan layanan yang terbaik untuk tamu hotel. Sebagai salah satu departemen yang sangat terpengaruh dengan kepuasan pelanggan, departemen Food and Beverage Service (FBS) setiap hotel perlu memberikan layanan yang efektif dan efisien. Penelitian yang dilakukan di Hotel X bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengeliminasi pemborosan yang ada dalam proses layanan room service breakfast set Hotel X menggunakan metode value stream mapping dalam mewujudkan pelayanan yang efektif dan efisien. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga memberikan usulan perbaikan dalam mewujudkan tereliminasinya pemborosan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah teridentifikasinya empat pemborosan, antara lain over-processing, motion, defect, dan waiting. Usulan perbaikan yang disarankan antara lain, memperbarui sistem pemesanan, merekrut hygiene specialist, melakukan walkthrough inspection, menggunakan aplikasi inventory management, melakukan maintenance terhadap peralatan pengantaran room service, serta membangun linen dan garbage chutes. Berdasarkan rancangan future state map yang sudah disusun, diperoleh peningkatan pada parameter di keseluruhan value stream, yaitu total lead time mengalami penurunan sebesar 43%, total process time turun sebesar 42%, total nonvalue added time mengalami penurunan sebesar 51%, dan total waiting time turun sebesar 44%. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar usulan perbaikan yang ada diterapkan oleh Hotel X.
