The government has regulated and legalized the compensation and benefits system through ap- plicable regulations and ratified nationally. However, the public sector needs to consider other non- monetary factors to improve employee performance, such as employee involvement, public service motivation, affective commitment, and perceived organizational performance. This research ques- tionnaire was distributed to public sector employees in an Indonesian government agency totaling 157 respondents, containing closed questions using a six-point Likert scale, an online survey plat- form, and processed using the Lisrel SEM method. This study was conducted to clarify the influence of previously identified and discussed individual-level factors as essential determinants of organiza- tional performance. Public sector managers must know better ways to manage and improve employee attitudes by paying attention to employee involvement, public service motivation, and affective com- mitment to improving organizational performance. The result of this study indicates that prioritizing employee involvement in HR management practices in the public sector has a significant impact on affective commitment and perceived organizational performance. However, in this study, the role of public service motivation has no impact both towards affective commitment and perceived organiza- tional performance, which is quite contradictory to some findings from previous studies.
Bahasa Abstract
Pemerintah telah mengatur dan melegalkan sistem kompensasi dan tunjangan melalui peraturan yang berlaku dan telah disahkan secara nasional. Namun, sektor publik perlu mempertimbangkan faktor non-moneter lainnya untuk meningkatkan kinerja karyawan, seperti employee involvement, public service motivation, affective commitment, dan perceived organizational performance. Kue- sioner penelitian ini disebarkan kepada pegawai sektor publik di suatu instansi pemerintah Indonesia sejumlah 157 responden, berisi pertanyaan tertutup menggunakan skala Likert enam poin, dengan menggunakan platform survey online, dan diolah menggunakan metode Lisrel SEM. Studi ini dilaku- kan untuk mengklarifikasi pengaruh faktor tingkat individu yang sebelumnya telah diidentifikasi dan dibahas sebagai penentu penting kinerja organisasi. Manajer sektor publik harus mengetahui cara yang lebih baik untuk mengelola dan meningkatkan sikap karyawan dengan memperhatikan employ- ee involvement, public service motivation, dan affective commitment untuk meningkatkan organiza- tional performance. Hasil dari studi ini menyebutkan bahwa mengedepankan employee involvement di dalam praktik manajemen SDM di sektor publik memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap affective commitment serta perceived organizational performance. Akan tetapi, dalam studi ini, peran public service motivation tidak menjadi prediktor baik kepada affective commitment maupun perceived organizational performance, yang mana hasil ini cukup kontradiktif dengan beberapa temuan dari penelitian sebelumnya.
Recommended Citation
Yuliani, Fahrina; Sibarani, Sondang E. M.; and Ebenheizer, Steven
"Peran Employee Involvement dan Public Service Motivation, serta Mediasi Affective Commitment Terhadap Perceived Organizational Performance,"
Jurnal Manajemen dan Usahawan Indonesia: Vol. 44:
2, Article 4.
DOI: 10.7454/jmui.v44i2.1039
Available at:
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