Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior (TPB) has been proven in many fields to predict human be- havior. Discussion of eWOM behavior based on the theoretical approach, to the author’s knowledge, has not been widely found. This study aims to examine six hypotheses to analyze eWOM behavior by TPB approach. This research methode is survey. Sampling uses a non-probability method with judgmental techniques. The unit sample is 165 respondents who already know or post a vaccination opinion twibbon on Facebook. The questionnaire is the measurement instrument in this research. The study reveals that three hypotheses were rejected and the other three were not rejected. The behavior of eWOM opinion on vaccination is proven to be infuenced by behavior intentions. Intentions are in- fluenced by attitudes and injunctive norms toward behavior eWOM behavior on vaccination opinion. The theoritical implication of the research is to strengthen the intial theory of TPB and other previous findings. The managerial implication of this research is result of research identify several key vari- abels that influence the eWOM behavior of vaccination opinion and its main target audience.
Bahasa Abstract
Theory of planned behavior (TPB) Ajzen terbukti di banyak bidang bisa memprediksi perilaku ma- nusia. Pembahasan perilaku eWOM berdasarkan pendekatan teori tersebut, sepengetahuan penulis, belum banyak ditemukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji enam hipotesis untuk menganalisis perilaku eWOM dengan pendekatan TPB. Metode penelitian ini adalah survei. Penyampelan meng- gunakan metode non-probabilitas dengan teknik judgmental. Sampel unit adalah 165 responden yang sudah mengetahui atau melakukan posting sebuah twibbon opini vaksinasi di Facebook. Kuesioner adalah instrumen pengukuran dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini mengungkap tiga hipotesis dito- lak dan tiga lainnya tidak ditolak. Perilaku eWOM opini vaksinasi terbukti bisa dipengaruhi oleh intensi perilakunya. Intensi dipengaruhi sikap dan norma injungtif terhadap perilaku eWOM opini vaksinasi. Implikasi teoritis penelitian yaitu menguatkan teori awal TPB dan temuan-temuan lain sebelumnya. Implikasi manajerial penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi variabel kunci yang mem- pengaruhi perilaku eWOM opini vaksinasi dan target audien utama
Recommended Citation
Pamungkas, Benni Ahdiyana and Nursal, Adman
"Analisis Perilaku eWOM Opini Vaksinasi dengan Pendekatan Theory of Planned Behavior,"
Jurnal Manajemen dan Usahawan Indonesia: Vol. 44:
2, Article 1.
DOI: 10.7454/jmui.v44i2.1036
Available at:
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