

RPJMN 2015–2019 mandates universal access of drinking water in 2019. This study analyzes the policy using panel data regression. Random Effect Model (REM ) shows funding, per capita Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP ), and population density explain the water coverage of 23.57%, while the rest are explained by variables outside the model. Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) per capita has the biggest impact on coverage, followed by Population Density. On funding, central government’s budget significantly has the highest impact, followed by local government’s budget (APBD), while others aren’t significant. Investment has positive effect, but high per capita investment may not provide high coverage. The coverage in 2019 based on unit-cost calculation is 80.21%, universal access target isn’t reached.

Bahasa Abstract

RPJMN 2015–2019 mengamanatkan pencapaian akses universal air minum tahun 2019. Penelitian ini menganalisis pencapaian kebijakan tersebut menggunakan regresi data panel. Random Effect Model (REM) menunjukkan variabel pendanaan, PDRB per kapita, dan kepadatan penduduk mampu menjelaskan variabel cakupan air minum sebesar 23,57%, sementara sisanya dijelaskan variabel di luar model. Variabel PDRB per kapita berpengaruh terbesar pada cakupan air minum, diikuti kepadatan penduduk. Untuk pendanaan, APBN signifikan memberikan pengaruh tertinggi pada cakupan air minum, diikuti APBD. Investasi berpengaruh positif, namun tingginya investasi per kapita belum tentu memberikan tambahan cakupan air minum tinggi.


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