
Author Guidelines


Articles are written using Microsoft Office Word 2007. All parts in the script with the letters typed Book Antiqua, size 11 pts, 1.5 spacing, A4 paper size and margins 2 cm on all sides as well as the number of 20-25 pages or minimal 6,000 words, excluding references, tables and pictures. Tables and images are placed at the end of the script. For the sake of copy editing the entire manuscript (including tables, figures and mathematical equations) created in a format that can be edited by the editor. Editors may request data used in the pictures, tables and data processing for the purposes of editing and confirmation of the results of the study.

General writing style. The manuscript for the JEPI could be a result of thought and research. Scripts are written in Indonesian with a narrative style. Pembabakan made simple as far as possible avoid pembabakan storied. Tables and pictures must credit the source. Tables, figures and mathematical equations are numbered sequentially according to the appearance. All citations and references in the text should be listed in the bibliography and vice versa, reading sources listed in the bibliography should be in the script.

Script sequence. The order of the script follows the following format:

  • Title,
  • Name and Address Complete Writer,
  • Address correspondence,
  • Abstract,
  • Keywords,
  • Classification of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL)
  • Preliminary,
  • Literature Review,
  • Method,
  • Results and Analysis,
  • Conclusions and
  • Bibliography.

Methods and Results sections are optional for writing shaped the result of thinking.

Here are instructions for each part of the manuscript:

Title. The title should not exceed 12 words in Indonesian. The author also presents the English title (not exceeding 10 words).

Data Writer. Contain full names of all authors without titles, authors affiliated agencies and address (including zip code) and address one of the authors for korenspondensi (telephone, fax and email).

Abstract. Written in English and Indonesian, a maximum of 100 words for each abstract and contains three things: the topics discussed, the methodology used and the results obtained or evidence.

Keywords. Written in Indonesian and English each of a maximum of 5 subjects. Keywords containing the word or phrase that is often used in the script and are considered to represent and or related to the topics covered.

JEL Classification. Include 2 to 3 double-digit JEL classification that can be viewed on the website of the Journal of Economic Literature http://www.aeaweb.org/journal/jel_class_system.html.

Preliminary. Introduction least contain the background and purpose of the study, previous studies relevant issues or hypotheses to be tested in the article, a brief description of the method or analytical tools that have been selected, a brief narrative of the results obtained if the article is the result of empirical testing or preposition if the posts made are the result of thinking.

Literature Review. This section cites relevant theories and previous research related to the topics covered.

Method. This section contains the theoretical and technical information sufficient to reproduce the reader can research well including a description of the types and sources of data. In terms of the purpose of verifying the results, editor and partners bestari (reviewer) are entitled to request raw data (raw data) that is used by the author.

Literature Review. This section outlines the conceptual basis of the writing and contain theoretical reason why the research question posed in the article. In addition, the author can cite relevant prior studies to complete the justification mengenaik unique contribution of the manuscript.

Results and Analysis. Write down the results obtained by the method used in accordance with the economic analysis. Can be served in the form of tables, pictures, accompanied by the analytical description of the key points raised by the theoretical conceptions that have been built.

Conclusion. This section contains the conclusions from the results and analysis of results and academic and policy implications if any. This section also contains limitations of the study and the possibility of further research that can be done.

Bibliography. Bibliography arranged in alphabetical order by following the style as follows:

Publication of books
Dixit, A. K., & Norman, V. (1980). Theory of International Trade. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Articles in journals
Rangazas, P. (2000). Schooling and Economic Growth: A King-Rebelo Experiment with Human Capital. Journal of Monetary Economics, 46 (2), 397-416.

Online article
Thomas, T. M. (1956). Wales: Land of Mines and Quarries. Geographical Review 46, (1), 59-81. http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/211962.pdf (accessed June 30, 2005)

Chapters in books
Durlauf, S. N., Johnson, P. A., & Temple, J. R. (2005). Growth Econometrics. In P. Aghion, and S N Durlauf (Eds.), Handbook of Economic Growth (Vol. IA). Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Paper work (working papers)
Kremer, M., & Chen, D. (2000). Income Distribution Dynamics with Endogenous Fertility. Working Paper, 7530.

Paper presented
Chen, H. K., & Chou, W. H. (2006a). Supply Chain Network Equilibrium with Asymmetric Demand and Variable Cost Functions. Papers. Taipei.

Mimeo and unpublished works
Knowles, J. (1999). Parental Decisions Can Explain US Income Inequality? Mimeo.
Nashihin, M. (2007). Poverty Incidence in Indonesia, 1987-2002: A Utility-Consistent Approach Based on a New Survey of Regional Prices. Doctoral dissertation. Canberra.

Document agencies
Indonesia, R. (2003). Law Number 17 Year 2003 on State Finance.

Article from web sites and other electronic forms
Summers, R., & Heston, A. W. (1997). Retrieved from Penn World Table, Version5.6. Accessed from http://pwt.econ.unpenn.edu/. Access date July 5, 2012.

Articles in newspapers, magazines and similar periodical
Begley, S. (1993, April 12). Killed by Kindness. Newsweek, pp. 50-56.

Quote. Example: This issue has been studied by Kremer and Chen (2000). The results show that the decisions parents can affect the distribution of income (Knowles 1999; Dollar et al. 1988). For subsequent review see, among others, Williamson (1985).

Tables, Figures and Equations Math. The title and content typed tables with 9 pts font size and bold. The use of a line in the table only for the head table (headings) and end tables. JEPI strongly recommend using the table as necessary. Editors can limit the number of tables in accordance with the needs of technical editing. Avoid unnecessary contents of the table.

Pictures and graphics are printed in black and white format that need to be made in different patterns among the data displayed and not with gradations of color or color difference. The lines shown on the graph axis only and the data lines only. Mathematical equations written using a standard word processing application. JEPI strongly recommend the use equation editor of Microsoft Office ™ 2007 and later versions for easy editing. Write only the mathematical equations just related to the discussion.

Process Flow Script:

Submission/sending the manuscript of the author -> Review the script stage I:

  • Checks style of journal (administrative selection)
  • Appraisal by the Chairman of the Board Executive Editor & Editor
  • Re-submit the script (along with the administrative requirements)
  • Initial assessment by the Editorial Board Members

Review manuscript stage II:

  • Review by Mitra Bebestari (round 1)
  • Revised by the Author
  • Review the draft revised by the General Bebestari (round 2)
  • Revised by the Author
  • Evaluation of the draft revised by Managing Editor

Lay Out script (using LaTeX software) -> Review pre-printed text -> Publishing (published online) and printing (hardcopy)


Book Review

This section includes book reviews by invitee author from board of editor.

Make a new submission to the Book Review section.

Invited Article

Make a new submission to the Invited Article section.

Copyright Notice 

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).


JEPI by Dept Ilmu Ekonomi  is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Privacy Statement 

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


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