
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan


The background of this research is about how crucial is the role of Human Capital division of employee health in increasing work productivity to reach the company goals. This aim to explain the role of Human Capital division in implementing the Medical Plan Program in ExxonMobil Indonesia, explaining the administrative process of the Medical Plan Program, and explaining the visualization of Reimbursement Procedure information, research results, analysis of the process of implementing the Medical Plan Program, and obstacles. The research method uses data collection methods by taking data in ExxonMobil Indonesia and doing literature studies that support the theory of problem solving. In addition, the data contained in this research are analyzed descriptively quantitative and qualitative. The results showed that the Medical Plan Program already had a good procedure, but there were several obstacles so the processes are getting obstructed. Therefore, the author proposes several solutions, one of them is improving the form of administrative procedures with "Reimbursement Procedure" which presents a visualization of information in expressing procedures properly


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