

Entertainment attraction as part of the tourism product has become a strength in attracting tourist to visit tourism destination. This study focusing on tourism attraction in natural tourism destination within the country, with the study on Kebun Raya Baturraden which just being re-launched on December 19th , 2015.This research is using qualitative approach to analyse and explain the benefit of tourism attraction that pull the tourist to visit tourism destination, in this study we focused on natural destination which is botanical garden. The population in this study are the domestic tourist which are in the length of young adult age and has been or are visiting in Kebun Raya Baturraden.The awareness to do marketing communication has not been done well, so the first step is to concentrate on the tourism product served on the destination. The range of variation and the development of entertainment attraction on Kebun Raya Baturraden need to be upgraded, by thinking about travel buying process, the trend that happen in society and refers to the types of tourist destinations which is natural destination. Other than that, the information about tourism destination for public with all its products needs to be harnessed and publish. This study found a trend of consumer choice is leaning on the nature destination which is driven by the selfie phenomenon, where shooting and uploading photos to social media are considered to be important


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