This Final Project Task aims to provide information related to the Application of the Role and Function of the Secretariat Division in Supporting Division Performance at PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero). In carrying out this task, the secretariat division requires a performance appraisal to support the performance of the division. Therefore in the assessment, a questionnaire is needed to produce an answer from the respondent where the results are use for a data test in a validity test data using SPSS V.26 software, the next step is reliability test that aims to determine the extent to which the measurement result can be trusted, the test also uses SPSS V.26 software. The benefits of having questioner and data testing are to strengthen the result of the respondent in making the assessment to be accurate and to be able to provide advices for the division.
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Recommended Citation
Santoso, Radityo Kusumo; Dewi, Nur Fadilah; and Aliffia, Salsa
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan: Vol. 2:
2, Article 8.
DOI: 10.7454/jabt.v2i2.1073
Available at:
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