This study aims to obtain an overview of the waiting time of inpatients discharge from 3 groups of patients and the factors causing the long waiting time. The 3 groups of patients are private payment patients, BPJS Kesehatan patients and private health insurance patients.This research is a descriptive study with data of 150 patients, divided into 50 patients for each group. All patient data were observed for discharge waiting time process in the inpatient administration unit. To complete the information on factors causing the lengthy waiting time for patient discharge, interviews were conducted with inpatient administration officers.The observation show, it was found that the average waiting time for the discharge of BPJS Kesehatan patients was shorter, namely 57.6 minutes, while the long average waiting time for discharge for patients with private insurance guarantees was 152.3 minutes. The lenght waiting time for the group of private health insurance insurance patients caused there is one more step, namely confirmation to insurance, where this process takes quite a long time.Based on interviews with informants, it was found that other factors that caused the long waiting time for discharge were the lack of officers in the inpatient administration unit, there was often a lack of coordination between units in the process of discharge patients and the incomplete insurance documents when submitting confirmation to private health insurance.
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Supriadi, Supriadi and Putri, Prezhy
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan: Vol. 2:
2, Article 7.
DOI: 10.7454/jabt.v2i2.100
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