This study discusses the collection acquisition of books in the library of Bank Indonesia to see the course of the process. Acquisition process used various methods such as collection purchases, grants or gifts, information resource sharing, and independent publications. This research method used qualitative method with case study at Bank Indonesia Library where they have Collection Development Division. Data collection is done by way of observation participation, interview, and documents observation. The results that can be reviewed are acquisition processes at Bank Indonesia including purchasing activities and independent publications of the parent organization. The conclusion is that Bank Indonesia Libraries have been regulated in the collection and acquisition development process but have not maximized other acquisition methods such as sharing of information sources and cooperation among libraries.
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Recommended Citation
Grataridarga, Niko; Santoso, Radityo Kusumo; and Ramadhani, Alif Rizky
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan: Vol. 1:
1, Article 6.
DOI: 10.7454/jabt.v1i1.24
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