
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan


Improving the quality of hospital services could be increase profit, market share and cost savings. Staff in front desk plays an important role in affect satisfaction patients, possibility for someone to recommend service and grades create a for patients. This study attempts to analyze the quality of customer service unit at hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia. This research used observation method. Data collection technique was using ghost shopping method. Research has been conducted on 19 hospitals in Jakarta. The selection of hospital was using purposive sampling method. Check list has been used for data collection. Observation has been conducted to see three variables consisted of appearance of officer, officer behavior and service quality. The result shows that majority of CS staff has a good appearance and has good work environment. Majority of staff have conducted eye contact, smiley face, fast respon over customer want, put two hands on the table, asking the want of customer and end the conversation with good manner. CS staff also has delivered clear information and assisted the customer. Although, there were some bad behavior that executed by the staff which were did not greet the customer, did not invite customer to have a sit, sit position that not good, did not introduce theirselvers and did not thank to the customer.


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