

Tuberculosis (TB) infection in Indonesia has not been completely eradicated. It is challenging for those who suffer from TB to be away from self-stigma. This study aimed to determine the relationship between age factors, gender, and a history of comorbid diseases related to self-stigma. This was a cross sectional study using a Tuberculosis Stigma Assessment questionnaire. Total 50 respondents were obtained by purposive sampling technique. Inclusion criteria are TB patients or former patients aged 18 years to the elderly, male and female, without or having a history of comorbidities (HIV & DM). Quantitative-qualitative analysis, univariate and bivariate tests using Pearson Correlation and Chi Square were employed. Based on the Pearson correlation test there were no relationships between age and stigma, adolescent (p = 0.506), adult (p = 0.732), and elderly (p = 0.539),. Through Chi Square test, there was no relationship between the gender and stigma (p=0.520) . Likewise, a history of comorbid disease with TB stigma which p-value 0.537 did not show any relationship. Quantitatively, 78% of respondents were stigmatized, where respondents tend to be shy and not open about their TB status. There were 78% of respondents were stigmatized but no significant relationships between age, gender, and history of comorbid diseases on TB self-stigma.


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Bahasa Abstract

Infeksi Tuberkulosis (TBC) di Indonesia belum tereradikasi sempurna. Penderita TBC seringkali sulit terlepas dari self-stigma. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor usia (remaja, dewasa, dan lansia), jenis kelamin, dan riwayat penyakit komorbid dalam memengaruhi self-stigma. Penelitian cross sectional study menggunakan kuisioner Tuberculosis Stigma Assessment. Sebanyak 50 responden didapatkan dengan teknik purpossive sampling. Kriteria inklusi penderita atau mantan TBC usia 18 tahun hingga lansia, pria dan wanita, serta tanpa komorbid atau memiliki riwayat komorbid (HIV & DM). Dilakukan analisa kuantitatif – kualitatif, uji Univariat serta Bivariate dengan teknik Pearson Korelasi dan Chi Square. Berdasarkan uji korelasi pearson tidak terdapat hubungan antara usia dengan stigma, usia remaja (p= 0,506), usia dewasa (p=0,732), dan lansia (p=0,539). Melalui uji Chi Square tidak ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin dengan stigma (p-value 0.520). Begitu pula riwayat penyakit komorbid dengan stigma TB dengan p-value 0.537 juga tidak menunjukkan hubungan. Secara kuantitatif sebanyak 78% responden terstigma, dimana responden cenderung malu dan tidak terbuka tentang status TBCnya. Terdapat 78% responden terstigma namun tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara faktor usia, jenis kelamin, dan riwayat penyakit komorbid terhadap self-stigma TBC. Kata kunci: Self-stigma; TBC; usia; jenis kelamin; penyakit komorbi
