
Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Indonesian Journal of Environmental Law

This document provides details on typesetting and layout requirements pertaining to final manuscript submission to Indonesian Journal of Environmental Law.


We strongly encourage that articles be submitted to this website. For submission inquiries, please also address them to ijel@ui.ac.id. Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any materials, including photographs and illustrations, for which they do not hold copyright and for ensuring that the appropriate acknowledgements are included in the manuscript.

All contributions in the periodical are peer reviewed

Authors will be asked, upon acceptance of an article, to transfer copyright of the article to the Publisher. This will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information under copyright laws. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain written permission for a quotation from unpublished material, or for all quotations more than 250 words in one extract or 500 words in total from any work still in copyright, and for the reprinting of figures, tables or poems from unpublished or copyrighted material.

Manuscript preparation

  • Articles should be written in English, not have been published already, nor under submission process to another journal.
  • Any articles containing material subject to copyright restrictions other than those owned or controlled by the contributor must be accompanied by appropriate permissions from the relevant copyright holder(s).
  • Each article should be accompanied by the following information:
    1. the title of the article
    2. the author’s name, affiliation and institutional address, together with an e- mail
  • The recommended length of articles should be no more than 10.000 words, including footnotes.
  • Abstract should be provided in English with font: Times New Roman, font size: 10, font style: italic, alignment: justified; single line spacing on one paragraph; left indent should be 2,54 cm; and with 150-250 words.
  • Keywords should be with font: Times New Roman, font size: 10, font style: italic, alignment: justified; the word “Keywords” in bold and italic (e.g. Keywords:); 5-10 words in lowercase; Body Font type: Times New Roman, font size: 12, line spacing: 1.
  • Write full name of the author without any qualifications. Qualifications of the author should be explained in the footnote; e.g: Melda Kamil Ariadno1 (1Lecturer of international Law, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia. Obtained Bachelor of Law (S.H.) from University of Indonesia (1992), Master of Law (LL.M.) from University of Washington (1995), and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from University of Washington (2011)).
  • Author name should be written in small caps, starting with capital letters, and in bold. (e.g., Melda Kamil Ariadno).
  • Title should be written in capital letters and in bold (e.g., RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW).
  • Headings and sub-headings should be in small caps, starting with capital letters, and in bold (e.g., Introduction).
  • Headings and sub-headings should be numbered by;
    1. First level: roman numerals in uppercase (I, II, III, …)
    2. Second level: alphabets in uppercase (A, B, C, …);
    3. Third level: arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, …);
    4. Fourth level: alphabets in lowercase (a, b, c, …);
    5. Fifth level: roman numerals in lowercase (i, ii, iii, …).
  • First line of each paragraph should be indented, with single space between paragraphs.
  • The first heading should be titled “Introduction” and the last heading should be titled “Conclusion”.
  • Tables should be presented on same sheets of the article and should have short descriptive titles. Figures should be clearly numbered, source and should have explanatory captions. The author must indicate where Tables and Figures should be placed in the text.

Citation Style and Bibliography

Indonesia Journal of Environmental Law (IJEL) refers to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition (2017) for its citation style and bibliography. All submitted articles must include a bibliography of all cited references. The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition (2017) can be accessed through the following website link

Since the Chicago Manual of Style does not regulate, the citation style for legal documents of a specific country and legal system, any citation of legal documents—both of i.e. Indonesian legal documents, foreign legal documents, as well as international legal documents—may refer to other internationally accepted citation style manual such as The Bluebook, OSCOLA, or New Hart’s Rules. Author(s) are also given the discretion to develop their own legal citation style apart from those accepted internationally. Once the author(s) have decided to subscribe to a particular citation style, all citation and references to any legal documents throughout the article draft should consistently refer to that particular citation style.

While a large degree of discretion is given to author(s) in developing their own legal citation style, IJEL does not accept any citation in the form of body-note and/or endnote.