Bioprocess: Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Please read the statement below to ensure the submission complies. Submissions may be returned if author does not adhere to the guidelines.

Manuscript Preparation Checklist:

Authors are requested to pay attention to the following aspects when preparing manuscripts for BIOPROCESS:

  1. The total length of the article should fall between 4,000 and 6,000 words
  2. The order of the sections in the manuscript should be: title page, abstract, introduction, methodology, result, discussion, conclusion, future scope, appendix, acknowledgments (if any), references and author(s) information
  3. The manuscript structure complies with the given template and has been saved in Ms. Word format.

    Manuscript (Template) DOCX
    Please rename your manuscript in this order ‘Manuscript_(ArticleTitle)’.
    Cover (Template) DOCX
    Please rename your manuscript in this order ‘Cover Template_(ArticleTitle)’.

  4. All works cited has been mentioned in reference section.
  5. All funding sources relevant to the work should be acknowledged.
  6. Manuscripts should be accompanied by a cover letter from the corresponding author. It highlights the novelty and importance of the work.


Only manuscripts in English are accepted. Be sure that the English-language manuscript is free of grammatical mistakes and up to a proper standard. Should authors need a help with the language, please seek a professional language editing service prior to publication.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses submitted in this journal will be used solely for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for other purposes or external parties.