

The fashion industry is one of the industries that is constantly expanding and Indonesia is the ninth largest contributor globally. Domestic growth of the fashion industry is supported by the campaign to love local products. Local fashion brands utilize the social media as a channel to communicate directly with their customers to develop a strong customer engagement. Therefore, it is important to know which factors influenced customer engagement, such as advice seeking, self image expression, and fashion involvement. Moreover, customer engagement also plays a role in the formation of brand intimacy. This study develops customer engagement as a second-order construct which consists of consumption, contribution, and creation. The survey was conducted online with 262 respondents which was then analyzed using Partial Least Squares - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings show that advice seeking, self-image expression, and fashion involvement infuences customer engagement. Subsequently, customer engagement influences brand intimacy.

Bahasa Abstract

Industri fashion merupakan industri yang perkembangannya selalu meningkat dan Indonesia berkontribusi terbesar ke-sembilan di dunia. Perkembangan industri fashion dalam negeri didukung dengan adanya kampanye untuk mencintai produk lokal. Fashion brand lokal memanfaatkan media sosial sebagai wadah untuk berkomunikasi dengan pelanggannya untuk menciptakan customer engagement. Sehingga penting untuk mengetahui faktor yang mendorong customer engagement seperti advice seeking, self-image expression dan fashion involvement. Selain itu, customer engagement juga berpengaruh akan terbentuknya brand intimacy. Penelitian ini membangun customer engagement sebagai second-order construct yang di dalamnya terdapat consumption, contribution, dan creation. Survei dilakukan secara online dengan 262 responden yang kemudian diolah datanya menggunakan pemodelan Partial Least Squares - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi customer engagement adalah advice seeking, self-image expression, dan fashion involvement, customer engagement memiliki pengaruh terhadap brand intimacy.
