
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan


The process of submitting a claim for a COVID-19 patient file that has been sent is verified by BPJS Kesehatan to ensure the suitability of the diagnosis and procedure on the bill with the ICD-10 and ICD-9 CM codes. Lack of files or data on claim submissions found after the verification process may occur. This is due to differences in diagnosis or dispute. This study aims to determine the proportion of suitability of COVID-19 inpatient claim files. The quantitative descriptive research methodology uses secondary data from reports on the results of the verification of claim files for COVID-19 inpatients for the May-July 2020 period with a sample of 114 files. The results of the study at the JKN unit of Hermina Hospital, Depok, obtained 56.14% claim files for COVID-19 inpatients who were dismissed in May-July 2020. The factors causing the dispute claim are the identity, the criteria for the COVID-19 insurance patient are not appropriate, and the files are incomplete. The cause of the dispute claim based on the highest participant criteria is caused by unsuitable comorbidities/comorbidities. The cause of the dispute claim based on incomplete files was due to the incomplete details of the burial of the corpse.


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