
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan


Regional development evenly throughout Indonesia can create a just and prosperous society that is evenly distributed, in the development process it cannot be separated from development projects. In Indonesia, there is a presidential decree that stipulates that every procurement of development projects must not only complete administrative requirements, but also guarantee a surety bond. PT. Askrindo is one of the insurance companies that can issue surety bonds. To get a surety bond guarantee, the principal must meet the documents that have been set by PT. Askrindo and these documents must go through an underwriting process to analyze whether the project is feasible or not. If it is feasible then the policy will be issued, but if it is not feasible then PT. Askrindo will issue a rejection letter to the principal.


Darmawi, Herman. (2006). Manajemen Asuransi. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Sianipar, J.Tinggi, & Pinontoan, Jan. (2003). Surety Bonds. Jakarta: CV. Dharmaputra. Hermiati, Atty. (1992). Surety Bond dan Prinsipprinsip Underwriting. Jakarta: PT. Asuransi Kerugian Jasa Raharja. Keputusan Presiden No. 80 Tahun 2003 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/jasa Pemerintah Ayat 1 Pasal 5c Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Kitab Undangundang Hukum Dagang pasal 268. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Kitab Undangundang Hukum Dagang pasal 246. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Kitab Undangundang Hukum Dagang pasal 284. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Kitab Undangundang Hukum Perdata Pasal 1820.
