
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan


Retail industry in Indonesia in recent years experiencing sluggishness due to the rapid growth of online business. Already seen some department stores like Matahari and Lotus has closed its outlets. While this is detected a significant decrease is the fashion retail garment business, and began to affect other sectors such as electronics and furniture. The onslaught of entrepreneurs can also threaten the conventional retail industry in food and household needs such as hypermarkets, supermarkets and convenience stores. The online entrepreneurs have started selling food through social media such as instagram and facebook. The strength of conventional retail business is the quality of service that is personal, with emotional closeness between the seller and the buyer. Researchers are interested to analyze the factors that have the most influence and have a positive correlation on the service where Indomaret retail business in Kelurahan Kukusan Depok. Researchers hope that after finding the results, can provide the right input for Indomaret retail business in order to survive in the middle of a tight competition with fellow conventional and online retail business. The study was conducted by taking data from 44 Indomaret consumers. Data processed with SPSS, through Spearman Rank Test method used to test the correlation hypothesis with a minimum ordinal variable measurement scale.


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