

Stunting and underweight are public health problems, especially in under-five children. This study aims to explore the dietary determinants of stunting and underweight. Participants were 52 under-five children who visited Posyandu in Pengasinan and Bedahan, Depok. Body weight for age z-score (WAZ) and height for age z-score (HAZ) were measured with standardized measurement tools by trained operators. Questionnaires were administered to determine sociodemographic, maternal, and child health history, sanitation, disease history, and exclusive breastfeeding history. Data on food intake was obtained through the semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire and 24-hour recall. There was a significant correlation between the mother’s income with underweight (P=0.01), milk consumption frequency with protein adequacy (P=0.01 r=0.44), and calcium adequacy (P=0.00 r=0.74). There was a tendency of correlation between children’s zinc intake (P=0.06) and fat intake (P=0.06) with underweight and milk consumption frequency with HAZ (P=0.05 r=0.28) and WAZ (P=0.07 r=0.25). The frequency of sugar-sweetened condensed milk (SCM) consumption was inversely correlated with HAZ (P=0.01 r=-0.34) and WAZ (P=0.01 r=-0.38). Dietary intake and complimentary beverages affect the nutritional status of a child. SCM consumption did not support the child’s growth. Education about children's nutritional status and complimentary beverage consumption is necessary for mothers, mothers’ support system, and cadres.


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Bahasa Abstract

Stunting dan underweight merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat, khususnya pada anak di bawah 5 tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi determinan konsumsi makan dengan stunting dan underweight. Partisipan berjumlah 52 balita yang dating ke Posyandu di Pengasinan dan Bedahan, Depok. Berat badan menurut umur (BB/U) dan tinggi menurut umur (TB/U) diukur dengan alat ukur terstandarisasi oleh operator terlatih. Kuesioner disebarkan untuk menentukan sosiodemografi, riwayat Kesehatan ibu dan anak, sanitasi, riwayat penyakit, dan riwayat ASI eksklusif. Data asupan makan didapatkan dari semi kuantitatif Food Frequency Questionnaire dan 24- hour recall. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pendapatan ibu dengan underweight (P=0.01) dan frekuensi konsumsi susu dengan kecukupan asupan protein (P=0.01 r=0.44) dan kalsium (P=0.00 r=0.74). Terdapat kecenderungan hubungan antara asupan zink (P=0.06) dan lemak (P=0.06) dengan underweight, dan frekuensi konsumsi susu dengan TB/U (P=0.05 r=0.28) dan BB/U (P=0.07 r=0.25). Frekuensi konsumsi SKM berhubungan negative dengan TB/U (P=0.01 r=-0.34) dan BB/U (P=0.01 r=-0.38). Konsumsi makan dan minuman tambahan mempengaruhi status gizi anak. Konsumsi SKM tidak mendukung pertumbuhan anak. Edukasi terkait status gizi anak dan konsumsi minuman tambahan diperlukan untuk ibu dan para pendukungnya, serta kader.
